
Joined: February 8, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 2420
a l0t 0f the qu0tes i post aren't mine! i jus want to0 say that s0 s0 pPl d0nt get c0nfused! if i wrote it, it will have a c0py right 0n it! s0, if i to0k a qu0te frum yo0 im n0t taking credz, aNd iM sOrRy. bUt i CanT gIve EvEy-0Ne cReDz, cUz i DoNt kNoW whErE m0St oF 'eM cAme FrUm, sO duNt fReAk 0uT 0n mEeH. iTs nOt rEaLly mYyh fAuLt..0k??? [x] nAymE- RiLeY* aYgE- 1-3 tEeN.. nD cOuNtIn* lOcA- 772 -StUaRt Fl BaBii aPpErAnCe- bLoNde hAiR, bLueE bLuEe EyEs.. tAn... IdK? BoYs? HaPpIlY tAkEn ! :D fRiEnDz? BriTt bLaIr jAzZ nD RiLeY bfF4nmwthh!!! aNytHanG eLsE? nAw if yOo wAnNa kNow aNytHiNg eLsE jUs aSk oK? ?0x RiLeY::sMiLeY

Quotes by 0xCraziBlondex0

h . U . g . S .. wHeN tHey´Re wiTh sOmE 0Ne yOo lOve ThEy´rE tOo ShOrT
wHeN tHey´rE wItH sOm-oNe yOo dOnt <3 ThEn y0o WiSh They W0ulD eNd
wHeN i´m wIth yOo mY hEaRtS aLl A fLuTtEr mY hEarT {( <3 )} bEaTs FaST
mY tHoUgHt aRe JuMbLeD,, mY hEaD iN a TaNgLe,, And i CaNt sPeAk..WiErD
ii KnOw.. ii´m nOt 0bsEsSeD.. ii´m nOoT sTaLkInG yOo,, aNd ContRaRy tOo
pOpUlAr BeLiEf ii" dOnT nEeD tOo nEsSiCariiLy bEe wItH yOo... AlL ii NeEd iS
tOo BeEh aRoUnd yOo.. ThAtS wHeRe ii GeT mY rUsH bEiiNg aRoUnd yOo //
WoNdErInG wUt YOuR tHiiNkInG aBoOut.. iiS iiT mE yOor dReAmInG oF? <3
iiS iit mY iimAgInAtiioN oOr diiD tHaT gUy jUsSt wiiNk aT me [¿] AlL tHeSE .
tHiNgS rUun ThRoOh mY miInD wHen ii'm WiitH yOoH.. gLaD yOo kNoW///
oOoOoOh.. WaIt yOoh dOnT.. aNd i jUsT wIsh tHaT yOoh did nD FeLt The
SaME WaY But yO dOnT aNd yOo NEVeR wiL unLeSS DrEaMs Do CoMe TrU.

(c) Riley
gaWd bOii. i GeT bUtTeRfliiEs wHeNeVer I l0ok At y0o
I cAnT eXplAiiN iiT, bUt iiTs tHeRe.. wHy [¿] y0o hAve
a p0wEr 0vEr mEeh ThAt y0o wiiLl nEvEr Kn0w aB0ut
y0o hAvE nOt eVen The FaInTeSt iiDeA.. iiF y0o did ii
w0ould cRumBlE, ii cAnt iMaGiinE liiFe wiiThOuT yOo..
aNd y0o hAvE n0o wAy of kNoWiiNg BcUz y0o dOn´t.
eVeN pAy ToO mUcH aTtEnTiiOn toO mE , BcUz WhEn
ii'm WiTtH yOo i DoNt kNoW wUtT tOo sAy, Or WuT To
tHiiNk.. yOu c0nTrOl mY eVeRy tHoUgHt,, EvErY ThInG
tHat pAsSes ThRoo mY mInd,, bOoY yOo hAvE nO iDea
i JuSs wAnT y0o tO kNow,, AlL ii thInk aBoOut iiS yOo
aLl ii nEeD iis yOo,, Why DoNt yOo nOtiiCe me ¿ tO yOo
ii'm JuSs a gIrL in A fEW oF yOor ClAsSes.. pLeAsE jUsS
nOtIcE mE lEt mE kNoW yOo kNoW iiM ThErE,, i <3 y0o
aNd yOo WiiLl nEvEr KnOw,, aNd tHaT mAkEs Me CrYyy
OnE lUv.. FoReVeR nD aLwAiiYs.. i hEaRt yOo BaBii x0x

(c) RileY
i l0oVe y0o
1 l0oVe f0oReVeR
nD aLwAiiYs </3
b.E.i.N.g . g.R.o.W.n . U.p . I.s.N.t
haLf aS fUn aS ---- >gRoWiNg Up
[ ThEsE aRe tHe b . E . s . T ]
</3 (( dAiIys oF OuR lIvEs )) </3
-ThE oNlii tHiNg ThAt mAtTErS iiS-
[x]jUsSt foLlOwiNg yoOr hEaRt[x]

(c) Riley
I`m sorry.. i didn`t mean to hurt you
i felt like my heart was broke in two
i Didn`T MeAn tO Let yOu gO
my feelings aRe what i didn`t shOw
im sO unsuRe Of what i want Or
what i amsumtimes i feel like no one
gives a damn with you i don`t knOw
What yOu FeeL Or even ShOw yOu
i`ve thought about what i want to do
i nEed U, Nd waNt u whether people
like it or they dont enjOy losin u , thiS
time i wont ... im sorry for all tha pain
i put you through With aLl my heart
(( i love you ))
iT aLways seems juSt as sOon as thinGs are gOinG *' gOoD ..
juSt as sOon as life' takes a (( tuRn )) fOr the \\ b e S t //
eveRyThinG qOes wrOnG - » geTs LosT - » anD cOnfuSeD
anD alL * m e S s e D * uP anD` theN yOu * c R a S h *
anD juSt have tO siT theRe cuz yOu dOnT have the sTrenGth *'
tO geT uP cuz nOw sOmeOne eLse haS cOme inTo the piCtuRe
anD takeN yOur .`* pLaCe in a x/3 - h e a r T b e a T - x/3
anD nOw theRe is .·´¯`·-» n O t h i n G *' yOu caN dO
Just when I think things between us are getting better,
you have to turn around and do this - Break my heart in another place...
Sooner or later won't have a heart left cuz you've broken it too many times...
So tell me this...When are you gonna take the pieces of my broken heart
and put it back together?
Some Hearts are brOken and mendeD,
others are shattered or torn, although
it Was never intended , fOr love is
eternally sworn, I've cried and beGged
and pleaded, fOr that love to hOld its
ground. Hope was all i needed, And
«`'. P a i n WaS AlL i FoUnD .'`»
Look at her,She's absolutely perfect.
Standing next to her,I try to fight a`.
feeling of neglect.Look at the way« -
she talks to him,So \`confident `/
and secure.And yet, when I'd like to
talk,I feel scaredand so unsure. So
absolutely perfect,compared to me.
You could ask [anyone ],«´¯`·..·´
and they would certainly agree. n`d
so as I'm sitting here,Writing with
this very pen,I feel so very lonely,&
`' - - - » I'm so invisible, again.- - - »
i don`t need you . . . or anyOne else
im fine on mi own so just leave me alone
i kno i got problems but like i Said, they r
mine. no more help puTting anyone in my
pOstitiOnS i`m gOnna be by myself Like i
deserve. // i don`t want anyone .... at all
nO mOre lOve , Pain , Or SadNeSs
)* nOtHiNg But beiNg alOne *(