
Joined: December 16, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 47844

Hey :) I am Jackie. I am your typical teenage girl... i deal with the boy drama and the friend drama but that isn't so bad. I have been in love and have had my heart broken. A long with a huge list of jacked up things that have happened to me. I don't dwell on them and i live my life to the fullest. I love to have fun and get to know people. So just hit me up :) I do take requests so hit me up on aim or email me, aim is sweetwithakick and email is sweetwithakick@yahoo.com. I am willing to help with anything i promise, because i have lived through it all trust me! Been with my current boyfriend for six months <3

Quotes by 31_sweetwithakick_07

Life has to end,

Love doesn’t

Wear it like Makeup

When the world gives you a hundred reasons  to
c r y  give the world a thousand reasons to
l a u g h .

The first duty of Love is to l i s t e n .
Wise girls kiss but don't love,

Leave before they are left,
&& forget before they are forgotten.
- Marylin  Monroe
&& I just want to be yours...
so i can
kiss you every night.
&& Maybe...
Tears are God's Way
Of making us look clearly
at what else we have in life.
When I look
at you my mind

goes on  trip.

as much as you breathe
as long as you breathe.
Dream like you will live forever, but live like you are going to die today.