
Joined: September 12, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 217898


Quotes by AbercrombieAndBitchh

If you wanna get fresh gift cards, 
here i found this neat site: http://www.multigiftcards.com/?11042944644 
If my mirror could talk:
Me: I look so ugly!
Me: *Points out flaws*
Me: Can you make me feel better and say something good about me?
Justin Bieber:
Taylor Swift:
Miley Cyrus:
One Direction:
Carly Rae Jepsen:
Well, you have good vision.

Adults always complain about how terrible our generation is.
Don't they remeber who raised us?
Me: *Sits next to hot guy on plane*
Me: So where you headed?
Guy at my school: I love your eyes, they look golden:)
Me: *Checks in mirror to see if eyes are golden*

Sometimes I wonder how many relationships Taylor Swift has actually been in.....

Person on facebook: Girls don't want guys with nice personalities, they want guys with swag.
Me: *stabs myself in the eye*

Titanic: I am unsinkable!
Iceberg: Challenge accepted.

To Do List:
1. Find a large padlock
2. Find person with huge gauges
3. Lock it onto their ear
4. Run

That awkward moment

When your spacing out and you realize your staring directly at someone