
Joined: April 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 167623

Hey, It´s Alex.

I´m 15 (turning 16 this November)
I like cookies.
I hate sea food.
I am taken.
I will drink unicorn blood even though I´ll be cursed forever.

Find the ninja links for my ninja awesomenes.

You reaaally shouldn't keeep the same password, boogerbutt.
I gotchu baack(:
and is becoming a shaalloww wittle man! 
haha oh well, can't help but love him.


Quotes by Alex321

If this quote were a potato


I´d be a good potato

I know that you´re all shook up from a  terrible relationship

He broke your heart, yeah he tore you  in pieces

But I promise you, dear I´ll never hurt you like he did

The only way I could ever hurt you is by hugging you too tight.

Dear 8 year olds with cellphones,

What are you going to do with it, call Dora to tell her where "The Lake" is?

Sincerely , I had plastic cellphones with gum when I was your age.

Why do people keep grabbing me and telling me hey?

I`m a real big fan of yours
but I`m quite the joke to you.

Do you feel like the man, when you push her around?

 ------------------->>Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Hey You!

Put the make up kit down!

You don´t need make up! It only hides your beauty. You are too beautiful to be wearing make up. Believe me, you are beautiful, and putting on make up is like putting a cloath over a painting, you can´t see the real beaty from it, so stop. You don´t need it. 

Replace that make up with a smile.

Hey you!

Put the tissue down. 

There´s no reason why you should be crying.

I understand you loved him and he broke your heart, but still, you shouldn´t be crying. He´s the one who should be crying. Because he just lost a beautiful girl, who is also funny, caring, sweet, understanding, maybe a little crazy, but in a great way.

So put the ice cream carton down, and turn of your iPod. Take a hot shower and put your best clothes on, so you can flirt with all the guys you can, because you are now free. And maybe you´ll find a guy who will appreciate you.