
Joined: August 1, 2015
Last Seen: 8 years
Birthday: June 9
user id: 392433

You and l

Alexti*'s Favorite Quotes

~Clean since June 28, it's almost been three months. <3
I feel good, great actually.
my new favorite 
soundtrack is the
sound of your 
chest pressed
against my head


when you were gonna make it nasty for him but he starts actin up 
Do more of what makes you happy.
Unhappiness :3
(as requested in q/7053680)

1. I take lone night walks. Some nights I'm gone for forty-five minutes. Some nights I'm gone for two hours. But if I'm gone for longer than three, send a search party.
2. I play too many instruments, and will try to fit them all together somewhere. Otherwise they'll be lonely! :(
3. I only use my gluten-free diet to my own benefit. Don't wanna eat that? I'm gluten-free. Otherwise, give me gluten.
4. But it makes me sick and my skin /wretched/ so sometimes I try to stick to it, but also soMETIMES I WANT BREAD THAT DOESN'T HAVE THE TEXTURE OF SHXT.
5. I have a carrot onesie that I will wear. Every movie night.
6. Sometimes I have this thing called sensory overload, and please, p l e a s e  do not touch me during this. Or turn on the lights. I might freak out and run away and get hurt (and I have finally learned that my safety matters). It's like a panic attack that every sense adds to every second my mind processes something external. I promise I don't hate you. 
7. Anyone you want can come 'round, at any time. Unless I'm in the shower.
8. I love YouTube. I  l o v e  Y o u T u b e. It's one half of my support system. The other half is my basketball shoes--they were BUILT for my ankles, you know?
9. I play video games when I'm upset, and when I'm happy, and when I'm completely numb. I really like it when you watch me. 
10. I will sort the laundry. I will wash the laundry. I will transfer the laundry from the washer to the drier. BUT I WILL NOT FOLD THE LAUNDRY. (Unless you do a terrible job, and then I will refold the laundry.)
11. I go on rants about gender norms regularly. Bear with me. Even better, add and agree!
12. I watch Wizard of Oz a lot, and it makes me super emotional. I don't know why. And I know a lot about the making of and the actors and story and such. Don't make fun of me. Or Judy Garland. I will end you.
13. I don't cry. Sad movie? Nope. Favorite book stolen? Nope. Breakup? Nope. Death in the family? Probably not. Punched in the nose? Maybe.
14. Birthdays are a big thing.
15. My nightmares can get really bad, and sometimes I'll sit/lay down on the floor by your bed to feel better. But I won't ever wake you up.
16. If you're dating an axshole, I will tell you.
17. I wear boxers. Shorts, briefs, whatever. Not always with decent coverage. Sxck it up, buttercup. I have great legs.
18. I'm OCD. I really am. But I've trained myself not to mess with YOUR stuff. And I need affirmation about that because it is /so/ hard.
19. I'll cook for you. I'll bake for you too, if I don't eat everything first. 
20. I'll always be bugging you about getting a bunny. I just want a fxcking bunny.

Forget fat and ugly. Boring is the worst insult anyone can throw at you. And it cuts twice as deep when it comes from someone you thought was your friend. Because, you know, that's the person that isn't supposed to make you feel stupid.

You may hold my hand for a while ,but you hold my heart forever


I'm getting worse & you don't even know it.