
Joined: December 5, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 17367
HyA Im AmY CoPy Ma QuOtEz If Ya LiKe eM LovE Ya AlL XxXx *AmY*LoVeS*LeE*

Quotes by BaByxGuRlxBlOnDe_1

You used to love me
I still love you
Your my only dream come true
Eventually, Maybe you will see
That me and you were meant to be
This could take months, or even years
But it would be worth it with all these tears
I miss you
I wish you were here
But of course your over there
With her
Not even knowing her name
Your the one who I gave my heart to
Your the one I never got over
Our time together felt like heaven
With all our laugh out louds
And sweet moments
We didn't care what people said
It didn't matter because we had each other
Now that I lost you
I don't know what I will do
All i know is that "I still love you."
Minutes Like Hours
*You walk into the store and stride down the aisle.
*You pick me up and try to look casual while you carry me down to the checkout line
*Pull out your wallet..
*You soon will be mine..
*Your friends are observing..
*Every move that you make..
*The clerk asks for an -ID-
*You show him a fake.
*You quickly walk down to the front of the store..
*Your friends are waiting for you as you step out the door..
*You hop in the car
*And drive away from the shop
*Then you shut off the ignition
*And pop my top
*You take a few drinks
*And pass me around
*That's when you decide
*To take a drive around town.
*You turn on your car
*And put your foot on the clutch
*"I'm sober" you think
*"I didn't have very much"
*You pull into the road
*With me by yourside
*Taking occasional sips
*As you enjoy the ride
*Then the breaks on the car
*Infront of you squeal.
*You try hard to stop..
*You skid off the road..
*You know you have crashed.
*The dashboard is shattered..
*The windshield is smashed.
*Minutes Like Hours..
*Your in trecherous pain..
*That washes your senses,
*Envelopes your brain.
*The screams all around you are faint to your ears
*And life flashes before you..
*Your hopes and your fears.
*Minutes like Hours you plead and you pray..
*I'll never touch it again..
*Just let me more day..
*Your mind starts to go dark..
*It falls apart piece by piece
*And then you slip into blackness..
*Your pain finally ceased.
*Before you entered that store..
*You should have thought twice..
*For I am the Subtance..that cost you your LIFE.
*It WiLl NeVeR GeT BeTtEr Or SwEeTeR YoU ArE My FoReVeR*
Girl: You're goin to fast. Slow down.
Guy: Tell me that you love me.
Girl: Just slow down!
Guy: I will if you tell me that you love me.
Girl: I love you!
Guy: Give me a big hug.

*Girl gives the guy a hug*

Girl: Will you please slow down now.
Guy: Before I do, can you please take my helmet and put it on head is startin to get all itchy.

*Guy takes helmet off, and girls puts it on*

--> Next day in the Newspaper...
Motorcycle Crash: 1 survivor, 1 dead
The truth is--Halfway down the road, the guy realized his brakes didnt work, but he didn't want to tell his girlfriend becuase he didnt want her to be scared. SO he had her tell him that she loved him one last tiem and give him a hug. Then he had her take his helmet and put it on herself so shw would be safe, even if that meant he would d i e.
I Can't Help Smiling..When..I See You...Standing There...

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iT feeLs rEally gOod tO fiNaLly be abLe tO say ' i dOn`t wAnt hiM' bUt iT feeLs eVen betTer tO sAy 'i dOn`t nEed hIm'
LoOsIn SoMe1 U LoVe Is LyKe WrItIn ThErE NaMe On A FoggY WiNdOw AnD WaTcHiN iT FasDe AwAY
SoMetiMeS yOu GeT mEe SoO maD thaT i WanT tOo PusH yOu inTo OnCoMiNg TrAfFiC bUt ThEn i rEaLiZe id PrObAbLy KiLL mYseLf TrYiNg ToO sAvE yOu