
Joined: May 18, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 300643
Gender: F
I'm Micayla and a hot mess ok~
I'm not even a hot mess, I'm just like, a cold mess.
loljk, ANYWHO. I'm 13 and
music is my life. For real.
I have an obsession with
The Fray and Safetysuit.
I'm a photopgrapher, musician, and writer. And that's basically it.
My life is consumed by 
anxiety and social anxiety.
That's about it. Kthnxbai. JAYKAY, comment me though. pls.
also have an awesomely fantastical wonderful day(:


Quotes by BeautifullyUnoticed

sthiis ml i fe,
and I want you to know that I am both happy and sad,
and still trying to figure out how

that could be...

but you left me, 
in a dark, dark place.


It takes something miraculous to be able to understand the difference between a memory and a moment. A memory is just a piece of rememberance from a moment,
I'm your moment and you're my memory, and that's painful,
because every moment turns into
a memory. 

so let me guess that I love you was just a lie too, huh?


See I can't wake up,

I'm living a nightmare...

Idk I just can't stop thinking about him... 
Phrases I say on a daily basis:
I'm hungry.
Your mom.
I hate school.
I hate people.
I love the internet.
I love this song.
He's cute.
I don't get it.
So I was like-
And then they were like-
I'm dying.
I'm tired.
I wish I had a British accent.
Why was I born in America?

I really hate it when someone says something from Witty or Tumblr in real life and takes all the credit for it. Like no, that wasn't your clever comment, theif.

nmf/my quote


Me Can I go to the bathroom?

Best Friend:  Can I go too?

Teacher: You can go one at a time, yes





Plot Twist: Simon Cowell has a vast variety of outfits including a large majorty of colors.