
Status: Ayee, I like your shirt, can you take it off ;)
Joined: November 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 336927
Gender: F
Heey guys, So this is my secret witty! Shh.. Too many people that I know that I'm not close with know my old witty so I made a new one. This one I'm gonna be me and I don't care what anyone thinks of me! If you need to talk about anything at all you I'm here, I promise. I am a proud Potterhead, I have read all the books more than once and I can have in depth conversations about it! I also love the Hunger Games, but I read the books before the movie was even talked about. I wish I was pretty and artsy, but whatever. I have been head over heals for my friend since I met him and I have no chance with him.. Well thanks for reading! Follow for a follow ♥

Quotes by BehindEachSmile

What I look for in a guy
Not a fictional character

I am in no shape
to work out 
I have two personalitlies
The one that wants to loose weight  and the one that loves food
Leave it to me to be holdin' the matches 
When the firetrucks show up and they's nobody else to blame.
Powder your nose, Paint your toes
Line you lips and keep 'em closed
Cross your legs and dot your i's
And never let 'em see you cry
~Mama's Broken Heart
 I really thought we had
but I guess I was wrong.
If you're looking for a sign to keep going,
I can't do this anymore. One of my best friends was almost murdered the other day. I can't handle this..
Did anyone else notice that today instead of the trippy tye-dye when you put your mouse over Witty, it's kitties with a rainbow happy birthday background?!