
Joined: March 21, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 4761
I'm always lookin to talk to new people when I'm bored, so IM me! I'm into really everything, but I love to write and think up stuff so I guess I can make this site my second home?

Quotes by Blonde_at_Heart_23


-->my anti-drug

**it looks good wen u put best n friend 2 different colors on top of a black backround**
EvEn ThO u MaY hAvE oNly OnE bEsT fRieNd n NoThInG eLsE, iF tHaT fRiEnD iS FoR ReaL, tHen yOu WiLL sTiLL hAvE eVeRytHinG iN tHe wOrLd, eVen if U jUsT hAvE tHeM
sitting around doing nothing wont fix ur probs. so...

make your dreams come tru no matter how hard u gotta work for em. lifes short. make sure u get what u want out of it
u know u like sumbody wen your whole day is a wreck, and when you finally see HIM, just HIM, his friends nowhere in sight, and you have the chance of your've got so much you realli wanna say to him, u wanna tell him how u feel about him, but u kant even say stuff thats real. all he does is turn away...and then hes gone...

n.e.r.v.o.u.s.-->the worst word in the dictionary
I think about you every single day.
How I can't belive I'm movin on w/o you guys.
Its gonna be so different w/o you.
So much,
That I'm actually scared to move on.
I kno i neva said much,
But really,
I'll always miss u guys.

-->dedicated to my H.I.S. 8th grade graduating class of 2004
if the onli time i can be happy is in my dreams, then i'll sleep forever
did u ever want something so bad that you would do anything it takes just to get it? and then after you went thru your entire life to get what you wanted, you still couldnt have it? i have.
when she's out in public you see her smile
when she's alone in her room at night all she can do is cry
no one knows the real her or what's behind those tears
no one will ever understand what she's going through
as if it's easy being her
tru, she's lucky in a lot of ways
but in the ways that truely count
she lacks everything

-->didnt make it up but its exactly like me
WeN i Do RiGhT, nO oNe EvA rEmEmbErS. wEn I dO wRoNg, No OnE eVa FoRgEtS