
Status: witty sucks now
Joined: February 15, 2012
Last Seen: 3 years
user id: 274487
Location: under your bed
Gender: F

hi i'm maddie and i love music

maddieee*'s Favorite Quotes

Me during summer: *Goes to bed at 5:00 am* 
Me during school year: *Wakes up at 5:00 am* 
Me:Remembers lyrics to 17 different songs in 2 days.
Me:Forgets what I had for dinner yesterday.

plot twist: guys on witty pretend to be girls

Format chickittylover

hello. are you feeling okay? i hope you don't feel sad, you deserve to be happy. you're a wonderful and beautiful person, i know it.


my computer is hotter than my appearance and cooler than my soul


My brother insulted my favourite bands...
I pulled the grey plug out from the back of his Xbox 360 and hid it. Then I hacked into his Facebook account, screenshotted some of his messages he sent to his ex girlfriend when he was 11 and then changed his interests to men.    



i wouldnt be the cute lovey dovey type of girlfriend id be the “lets go to mcdonalds at 1am” kind

do you ever just go on youtube thinking you’ll just be on to watch a quick music video then later you find yourself watching
a tutorial on how to talk to a giraffe.

do you ever
get a weird crush on someone that’s not even attractive but you’re just attracted to them and you don’t know why


f o r m a t  j i m m y 3 6 5 n m q!

Me: *nervously orders my food*
Me: Man I hate public speaking