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& thats it

Quotes by BrokenAgain

And now I'm told that this is life
That pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Would someone care to classify?
Our broken hearts and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
And run to them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh, you are not useless
We are just
Misguided ghosts
Dead Love
Do you see that red rose?
As elegant as a ballerinas toes

The poor thing is dying
The petals are flying

Just like our love it is dying
Should I be crying?

Alas the tears have come to an end
Of us there is no more, it is the end

Our story has reached the last chapter
We close our book, then open another

By Katerina Zafirus
Grade 5, Melbourne Australia
she's in my little sisters grade, she
wrote this poem for a competition
and won, this poem is now in an
australian kids magazine. Well
done Katerina.
One day, love
and friendship met.

Love asked "Why do you
exist when i already exist?"

Friendship smiled and said
"to put a smile where you
put tears"
Watching swimming in the olympics
so you can stare at guys abs c;
London Olympic Games
 go away, I want my TV back.
Me: What if we actually had a life?
Friend: Whoaa girl you just took it too far.
When we wre born we were given:
2 eyes to see
2 ears to hear
2 hands to touch
2 legs to walk
but why only 1 heart?
because the other one was given to
someone else who will love you.
You stole my heart and broke it.
Brother from another mother?
Psh, more like Sister from another Mister.
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