
Joined: December 19, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 140697
My name is Caitlyn and I turn 16 on October 20, 1995. I'm a Sophomore, or at least will be if this Summer ever ends. The truth is, I want to grow up. I want to find out where life will take me because,at this point, I'm tired of guessing. Pediatric Surgeon, Army Trauma Surgeon, Defense Attorney, Actress: I want to be them all. But people are quick to tell me I can't. Honestly though, I don't care. It's my life. Everyday people put me down and tell me the things that are wrong for me. Everyone says that their family is their biggest supporters, the ones who love them unconditionally and are there through anything. I don't have a family like that. Everyone in my family is quick to tell me I'm fat or that the activities I'm in are just "not going to get you anywhere in life." I don't care. I am who I am and I fought hard to get to the place I am now. I have great friends. I love God: that's all there is too it. I love to write and read and Cheerleading and Softball are my sports. I have always wanted to play lacrosse. I really hope that one day my story will be a published novel. Everyone has told me it could be, but people don't realize how much of a long shot that is, even for an adult, much less a 15 year old girl who can't even subjugate the verbs of the present participle correctly. (hah) I feel like the odds are always stacked against me and that I'm a little sea turtle tryign to make it to shore in a thunder storm. Maybe I'll never get there, but I'll always try. I wish I could go to therapy because I need to just talk to someone and I never feel like I can trust anyone. It's not that my friends have done anything to lose my trust, I'm just super paranoid and can't get over the fact that people tend to screw you over.  I have so many hopes and dreams but I just don't know how to put them all together. I'm steadily figuring out that everything does happen for a reason and that every reason is to make me stronger. :)

Quotes by Caitlyn13Cutie

Of Two Minds

Feedback please :)
As soon as my blades touched down on the smooth surface I felt a rush of peace. I pushed off carefully, getting a feel for the ice while looking around at the place I used to spend everyday after school. I recognized everything; the walls I had crashed into when I first learned how to skate, the judges table that I had always feared when I was competing, the jumbo tron that illuminated all my performances for people in the audience. I quickly pushed off the ice, skating around faster, needing to feel the ice under my blades and the wind in my hair. I was shocked at how easy it was, considering I hadn’t skated in so long. I guess it was just muscle memory. I tried for skills, figuring it would feel good to try even if I did fall on my butt. I picked up speed and went for a double loop, landing surprising light on my feet. I let the momentum of the skill spin me around and I quickly tucked my arms in, feeling the wind all around me, as if I was suddenly sucked into a tornado. I stopped slowly, not even trying to hide the wide grin on my face. I looked up to the sky as my spinning came to a stop slowly. Then I heard Bryce clapping somewhere outside of the rink. I turned towards the direction of the sound and saw him standing by the still open door, smiling almost as widely as mine was, though his was in admiration. I skated slowly over to him. His smile was a mixture of admiration and surprise. “Wow,” he said, finishing off his round of clapping. I twirled around a few times as I got near to him and stopped before I had to step over the threshold. “That was amazing,” he breathed, looking at me in awe. It was like he had never anything so beautiful. I brushed off his compliment, blushing slightly. “That was nothing. Strictly level 5 skills,” I assured him, trying to downplay my alleged awesomeness. He shook his head. “No really. When you’re out there you’re so graceful and free and… beautiful,” he told me. I blushed again and then took his hands, pulling him enough to get him on the ice but not enough to make fall. “Skate with me,” I pleaded, my eyes shining. I was so happy in that moment and I wanted Bryce to share in that. He stepped out onto the ice, not wobbling as much as I expected. I eyed him skeptically. He looked at me shyly. “I used to skate when I was little. Hockey,” he said quickly, trying to justify it. I laughed freely and pulled him along with me. I did more spins and more tricks, all to the grand applause of Bryce. I fell on purpose a few times and he knew it, laughing wholeheartedly. I was having such a fun time that nothing else in the world mattered but Bryce and the ice. I twirled around until I got closer to him and let gracefully spun with my arms up so that when I landed in front of him my arms were around his neck. He began skating backwards, his hands on my waist, pulling me along with him. I giggled as we continued skating and then we came to a stop when we reached the wall of the rink. I sighed in contentment and looked up at him. He was taller than me, taller than David by probably 2 inches. “Thank you. For today. It was perfect,” I assured him, squeezing tighter against him. He obliged, holding me tighter. “I’m glad you liked it,” he whispered. Then he leaned in and kissed me. My lips immediately when from dead cold to warm in a matter of milliseconds. I never wanted to pull away. I wanted to deepen the kiss, seeing as we were alone on the ice. I opened my mouth smoothly, hoping he would get the memo. I could tell he did, but he seemed hesitant. Not quite so unexpectantly, he pulled away. I put my hands on his chest and tried to catch my breath. “What?” I asked, a tad angry. “Do you not want to kiss me?” He looked stricken. “I just don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you,” he said slowly, guiltily. I looked at his face carefully, knowing he was telling the truth. I took his hand and squeezed it, hoping to reassure him. “I don’t think that,” I assured him, hoping he heard the honesty in my voice. He seemed hesitant still so I moved my lips to his again and kissed him. He was hesitant for only a few second before he put his hand on my check and deepened the kiss on his own. I was happy, realizing I might have gotten through to him, if only just this once. But apparently my stomach wasn’t happy, taking that exact moment to grumble. Bryce smiled against my lips and laughed. I was a little more than frustrated but allowed him to pull me back towards the exit. “Come on. I’ll take you home and make you something to eat,” he said, a grin still on his face. I groaned internally as my stomach growled again.
Format Credit: Eknovels
Let me know what you think :)

Of Two Minds

This is weird. I am now using my parents computer, which is a regular Windows computer instead of my precious MacBook computer that I had to give back to my school. I am losing patients for how slow it is :/
Feedback please :)

I stopped breathing only for a second and then looked at him skeptically. “How?” I asked, trying to keep the confusion out of my voice. He took another breath and looked up at me. I could see from his eyes that he felt guilty, but I still didn’t understand why. “Last year I had a girlfriend. She skated, too. One day she wanted me to come see her skate but I hesitated. She was so annoying and I couldn’t stand how clingy she was, but I went anyways. I was supposed to be watching her, but the whole time I was watching you. You looked so happy and free and…. and beautiful. I broke up with her the next day and couldn’t get that image of you out of my head,” he finished, still sounding like he did something wrong and should be punished. “I’m really sorry,” he told me. My head snapped up at that. ”Why? You didn’t do anything,” I told him honestly. He hadn’t he had only seen me skate, which wasn’t really his fault. I had to admit, I was a bit sad that he didn’t just guess I wanted to skate, but this made it less weird. He looked confused for a second. “But I never told you…” he trailed off. He was probably either a) think I was crazy or b) that he was. I smiled and stifled a laugh. “So? We were never dating before, silly. You can’t just go around telling everyone when you’ve seen them do something,” I laughed, feeling a little more at ease. His shoulders visibly relaxed. “You’re amazing, you know that, right?” he told me, almost as if he couldn’t believe it. I shrugged playfully. “I try,” I said, trying to sound serious. “Now can we go or what?” I asked, once again getting excited. He looked at me a few more seconds and then pulled back onto the main road, towards the ice rink. *** When we pulled into a parking spot at the ice rink, I could almost smell the ice. It reminded me so much of my childhood that I wanted to cry. Bryce came over and opened my door. Now that I think about it, there was never a time when he didn’t open a door for me or pull out my chair. It was so old fashioned and gentlemanly that I wanted to laugh. Even though it seemed kind of weird, I loved that he treated me that way. I stepped out of the car and let him close the door. I wrapped my arms around his neck before he could pull me towards the building. “You’re amazing, you know that, right?” I asked, mimicking his earlier words. “I try,” he said, playing along. I laughed as I leaned in and kissed him. It was passionate: I wanted to pour all of my feelings for him right out of me and into him. He needed to know how much I really cared about him. We pulled away shortly, not wanting to be caught kissing in a public parking lot. He obviously felt the same way I did about PDA, that it was gross, because he never tried to full out make out with me in public. We didn’t even really kiss in public and I was glad. I hated when people did that. We walked in and I was greeted with the smell of hot dogs and popcorn thanks to the concession stand on my right. We head over to the skate rental and I realized that all the people who I remembered worked here were either off today or didn’t work here anymore. I tried not to let that make me sad, but it kind of did. We got skates and I laced mine quickly, feeling like a kid on Christmas. I was so excited, I could barely stay seated long enough to make sure my skates were tied properly. I finished before Bryce and really couldn’t wait for him to figure out how to lace his. I walked as fast as skates would allow and opened the door to the rink. I stood at the threshold and breathed in the scent of the freshly cut ice. Then, I glided out onto the ice.
Format Credit: Eknovels
Let me know what you think :)

Of Two Minds

This is weird. I am now using my parents computer, which is a regular Windows computer instead of my precious MacBook computer that I had to give back to my school. I am losnig patients for how slow it is :/
I need stories to read. If you have one you'd like me to read or give feedback on, or even edit, I would be happy. Comment here or on my profile. You can even email me at, but here is your best bet.
Feedback please :)

I watched as Bryce walked around to his side of the car. I looked at him incredulously. I couldn’t believe this; he was giving me butterflies just by looking at me. I tried to keep my head straight, telling myself that he was just a guy and I was just a girl and that we were only going out on a date like other guys and girls did. But somehow that only made the butterflies flutter faster. What was he doing to me? He smiled at me over the hood. “What?” he grinned, curiously cocking his head to the side. I shook my head, failing to make it any clearer. “Nothing,” I said, bending my head and getting in the car. He followed after. He sat in his seat, not turning to put the key in the ignition. “What?” he asked again, only a playful smile on his lips. I hesitated. What did I tell him? That every time I looked at him I got butterflies? I couldn’t tell him that. Or, maybe I could… “It’s like, every time I look at you I, I don’t know, get butterflies,” I muttered shyly, blushing and looking away. Bryce suddenly grabbed my chin lightly and pulled my face so I was looking at him. “Every time I look at you my heart stops beating and my breath catches in my throat,” he whispered, his words brushing across my lips. “Why?” I asked softly, obviously not comprehending. He chuckled as if I said the funniest thing. “Because you are so beautiful, Hannah. You have to know how beautiful you are,” he breathed. His voice wrapped around me and I leaned in. He closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine. I was eternally grateful that his way to expensive car had extremely tinted windows because no way did I want people saying me totally swooning over Bryce. “Bryce…” I breathed across his lips as he pulled me closer to him. The divider between the front seats was up and I scooted as close as I could without actually sitting on him. He pulled away almost suddenly. I was utterly confused; what had I done? I looked at him quizzically. “We’re in a car, Hannah. In the school parking lot,” he told me sternly, as if it was obvious. It took me a second to register his words, still breathing hard. Then I realized that he was right and mentally slapped myself. Was I seriously about to make out with Bryce in a car? I hoped not, but by the way I had just acted I wasn’t so sure. I took a deep breath. “Right. So can you tell me where we’re going now?” I asked, trying to quickly change the subject. I was a little ashamed at what I had been about to try and do. He looked at me for a few seconds and finally his playful grin returned. “We’re going ice skating,” he told me as he turned and started the car. I gasped. No way. “Are you serious?” I asked hopefully. There was no way he was serious. He nodded and smiled wider, grabbing my hand as he pulled out of the parking lot. I was too distracted to even comment on how he should have both hands on the wheel. No way did Bryce know how much I loved ice skating. No one knew that. Well, except for David. No one in the whole world but my family and David knew that I used to ice skate almost as much as I used to breath. That was one secret I had always kept hidden from the world. I wasn’t sure why I had always kept it hidden. I guess that when I had started when I was 6 and in kindergarten I wanted something special that only I got to do that no one else in my whole class knew about. My parents had enrolled me after I watched Sasha Cohen skate on TV one day. I was utterly astounded my how someone could move so gracefully and beautifully on such a slippery surface. I wanted that to be me; for me to be the one who everyone cheered for. So my parents signed me up. But I never told anyone, aside from David. When I was on the ice it felt special, like I was magically when I could land a skill that others only dreamed of. I wanted to keep the magic all to myself. So I made a pinky promise with David and the secret went into the vault. It had been a long time since I had skated. Probably months. When my life turned sour I realized I had no time for magic, no time for skating. And no matter how much David told me going back would be good for me, I could just never imagine it. Why should I get magic and happiness when my brother and dad got death? But now I realized how much I wanted to go back. I had missed the magic, missed the sense of freedom and peace I felt when I laced my skates and stepped onto the ice. I was completely speechless; all I could do was stare at Bryce in amazement. He noticed me starring, no doubt opened mouthed, and glanced at me fleetingly, still making sure he was in his lane. “What?” he asked, still grinning playfully. “How did you know?” I breathed. David had to have told him, or he had to have seen me going to the ice rink before I had stopped skating. He couldn’t just have decided I would want to go ice skating by coincidence. But hadn’t he decided I wanted to go to church with him on Sunday by coincidence? He looked at me, his expression suddenly sad. Then he pulled onto a side street and parked the car. He turned in his seat so he was facing me and took my hand in both of his. “Don’t get mad,” he pleaded, starring right at me. I didn’t know what I could get mad at, but I nodded anyways, knowing he would explain. He took a breath and looked down guiltily. “I knew you skated,” he said, still looking down.
Format Credit: Eknovels
Let me know what you think :)

Of Two Minds

This is weird. I am now using my parents computer, which is a regular Windows computer instead of my precious MacBook computer that I had to give back to my school. I am losnig patients for how slow it is :/
I need stories to read. If you have one you'd like me to read or give feedback on, or even edit, I would be happy. Comment here or on my profile. You can even email me at, but here is your best bet.
Feedback please :)

It was Tuesday and in retrospect Tuesday was one of the most blah days of the entire week. Every other day I always had something to do or was recuperating from something the day before. Tuesday was pretty much a waste of my life. Except for this Tuesday. After the whole debacle with Bryce and David yesterday I was determined to make sure I never hurt either one of them again. That meant that, since it was Bryce’s week, I had to learn how to trust him with the things that happened, no matter what. I could live with that, I realized. Bryce was a great guy; girls still feel over him at school. Not that that was saying much since girls practically swooned over David too. The surprising thing was that neither Bryce nor David even looked their way anymore. I felt a tiny tinge of pride at the fact that I was all they saw now, even if that was conceded. I was also determined to make yesterday up to Bryce since technically he had lost a whole day of spending time with me when I wasn’t gallivanting around with David. I didn’t feel bad for spending time with David, I just felt bad that I had to hurt Bryce to do it. But either way, I was going to make it up to him. So when he asked me to go somewhere with him after school, even though he didn’t tell me where we were going, I felt myself saying yes. Don’t get me wrong: I really did want to go. But I think I made my response a little too fast and he might have gotten a little suspicious of ulterior motives, but when I pushed my head up and kissed him softly I was sure he felt a little better. During the last hour of the day, 6th hour, I couldn’t help but get anxious. I was genuinely excited for my date with Bryce, seeing how the first one had went so perfectly. He seemed to know a lot of unsaid and unspoken things about me and in the short time I had known him, he seemed to really care about what I wanted and who I was. I was standing at my locker after the bell rang at the end of the day, shoving books in my locker, when I was suddenly being hugged from behind. I smiled to myself and played along. “Guess who?” Bryce said and I could tell he was smiling. He seemed to have completely forgotten yesterday. I laughed to myself and thought about it. “Hmm… Abraham Lincoln?” I asked, hopefully. I was suppressing a giggle as he spun me around to face him. He was smiling when he pulled me into his chest. “Very poor guess, Hannah. And here I was thinking you were a scholar,” he said, trying to be serious while grinning. It didn’t work out too well. I laughed. “Sorry. I have history last hour. I got Lincoln on the brain,” I responded. Bryce laughed and then leaned in. I quickly met him halfway and pushed my lips against his. We kept it strictly PG but it still gave me butterflies. I was all but breathless when he pulled away and took my hand. I reached into my locker to grab my books and he quickly snatched it out of my hand. I looked at him quizzically. I raised my eyebrow. “You know, you guys need to stop acting like I’m cripple. Just because I’m three months pregnant doesn’t mean you have to do everything for me. I’m perfectly capable,” I told him, practically sticking my nose in the air. He chuckled at my statement and shut my locker door, pulling me into the mass of people heading towards the exit. “Did it ever occur to you that I like doing things for you?” he asked, expertly weaving through people without taking his eyes off of me. I thought about it then sighed. I guess I could see his point. “But still…” I said, not wanting to give in so easily. “I would like to hold onto my independency so that when I really need you to carry my books you won’t be sick of doing it,” I told him truthfully. What was I going to do when I was 8 months along and couldn’t even get out of bed by myself? I was going to need help and I needed to count on someone then, not now when I was still able bodied. Bryce’s face went from playful to serious rather quickly. “I’ll never get sick of you, Hannah,” he replied, his eyes scorching me. Gosh, how I wished I could live in his eyes. Instead of answering with what I was sure would be a totally lame response, I reached up and cupped his face and kissed him lightly. Then I pulled back, squeezed his hand and followed him into the parking lot. “So…” I said, subtly changing the subject. “Where are we going?” I asked, knowing he probably wouldn’t tell me. What was up with guys keeping our dates a secret? He kept walking but looked down at me with a devious but adorable grin. It was nothing like the evil grins he used to give me. “You’ll see,” he whispered in my ear and then opened my car door, ushering me inside.
Format Credit: Eknovels
Let me know what you think :)

Of Two Minds

I know for sure everyone will like this since David is in it. But I want to know what you think regardless.<3
I need stories to read. If you have one you'd like me to read or give feedback on, or even edit, I would be happy. Comment here or on my profile. You can even email me at, but here is your best bet.
Also, I might not post for a while. The laptop I use is one i rent from my school but since i get out in a week, i have to give it back tomorrow. I'll still be posting, but know it will be less often. I'm super sorry. This hurts me too, trust me. Feedback please :)

David and I spent the rest of the day together. I knew eventually I would have to go home, but until then I didn’t care what happened to the outside world. I was with David and that was all that mattered. I knew my mom wouldn’t be home; she probably wouldn’t be for a while. And as much as that made me sad and angry, I couldn’t help but understand that she might need time to digest what she now knew. I also knew that Bryce had probably blown up my phone. He probably wouldn’t be angry, just worried and agitated that I hadn’t called him. I felt bad for not telling him where I was going, but I knew he probably wouldn’t have let me go if I had. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t have went with David if he told me not to, it was just that I didn’t want to walk away to spend time with someone else and leave him mad. I honestly cared about Bryce and I didn’t think he deserved to be treated that way. David and I walked on the beach after our heart to heart. We talked about old memories and things we had done in the past that were both stupid and completely crazy that they blew out minds even now. I often found myself having hysterics but didn’t feel even the slightest bit self conscious about snorting and laughing around David. I didn’t think I was capable of being self conscious around him though. When I realized that it was almost 10 at night, I decided I needed to leave. Rather, David all but forced me to my house, tucked me in and turned out the lights. Once again I was struck by how well he could read me. The truth was, I had been suppressing yawns and was having a hard time keeping my eyes opened. I just didn’t want to leave David. At my doorstep, even though I wanted him to come in, he insisted I needed sleep. I tried begging, but I was really was exhausted. He chuckled when I choked on a yawn and then he kissed my forehead and, whispering goodnight, backed off my porch. I watched him walk all the way home and didn’t go inside until he did. When I walked into my room, my face still smiling so brightly despite my impending collapse, I immediately saw my phone lighting up, telling me I had God only knows how many messages. I wasn’t in any hurry to get to my phone, so instead I took a long, hot shower and got ready for bed. Only when I was climbing in bed did I grab my phone off the nightstand and open it.
You have 6 text messages
You have 3 voicemails
I read the “missed alerts” screen and sighed. I knew this was coming. Don’t get me wrong, I really did like and care about Bryce. I might even love him, although I couldn’t even admit it to myself yet because I wasn’t sure if I meant it. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him or talk to him or tell him the truth, because I did. I was more mad with myself for spending the whole day with David when the rules were that I was to spend the whole week with Bryce. Still, I couldn’t feel too bad about that. I had needed to talk to David. I decided that Bryce deserved better than what I had showed him today. He deserved the truth and he deserved to get to know all of me, not just the parts that I thought were “pretty” enough for him to see. I made a decision quickly before I could back down. I’m sorry about today.
Come over and I’ll explain.
I texted, sending it before I could lose the nerve. I knew immediately that I had done the right thing, but that didn’t make the fact that he would probably be mad and disappointed and hurt any easier. I got a text back almost instantly. It made me smile to think he was waiting for me to call.
I’ll be over soon.
I read. I took a deep breath and, getting out of bed, I prepared to tell Bryce everything.
Format Credit: Eknovels
Let me know what you think :)

Of Two Minds

I know for sure everyone will like this since David is in it. But I want to know what you think regardless.<3
Feedback please :)

I walked slowly up the stairs to his room. Everything in his house reminded me of some almost long lost memory that we had shared together. I remembered sliding down the stairs on sleeping bags; hitting my head on the door when I slid down the banister and didn’t know how to stop. I remembered when his mom came into the playroom, which was now a den, with bottles of whipped cream and started spraying us. Every inch of this place had a meaning and a memory, almost more so than my own house did. I breathed deeply as I strode down the hallway to David’s room. I remembered when he had decided that I needed my own drawer in his dresser. It was one Friday night after we watched our movie. We were sitting in his room and I was giggling, throwing pillows at David and telling him to go get my bag so I could change. Tommy, David’s older brother, walked past the door, his eyes obviously showing that he had been trying to sleep. “Hey, Tommy,” I had said, barely containing my giggles. “David’s being really mean. He won’t go get my bag and I really need to change,” I told him, giving David a pseudo scowl. I knew he could tell I was teasing and that’s what made it all the more fun. “Why don’t you just get a closet of your own in David’s room since you seem to never leave?” he had asked, not mean or cruel, just tired. He sighed, rubbed his eyes and then looked back at me. “I’ll go get your bag. Meanwhile, could you guys learn how to keep it down. I’ve got to get to sleep,” he said, yawning right on cue. Then he turned and walked down the stairs, apparently to get my bag. After that day, I slowly integrated all of my stuff over to David’s house. I walked over to that dresser now, pulling on the handles until it was open. I grabbed out some random pajamas, not even caring what it was. David was my best friend; it didn’t matter what I looked like in front of him, even if we were dating now. I glanced around the room, still remembering little details of our lives together. I wished someone had documented every moment of our lives and put it in a book so I could look back and smile at all the times that David had stopped my tears, fixed my broken heart, or put meaning back into my life. He meant more to me than anything in the world, and my heart squeezed a little when I thought of all the things I had put him through lately. I vowed right then and there, standing in his bedroom, that from there on out I would never, ever hurt David again, no matter what. I changed quickly, suddenly wanting to get back to David. I grabbed a blanket off of his bed and carried it downstairs and into the den with me. David was already there, but was turned around towards the t.v, putting a DVD into the player. I set the blanket on the couch and crept up behind him, hoping to surprise him. I thought I had been quiet enough, but with David and me it was like some supernatural force was always between us, like a string pulling us together. He somehow felt my presence and turned around right when I was about to wrap my hands around his waist. He turned so quickly I thought he would knock me over, but he must have been expecting me and before I could fall he caught my waist and quickly pressed his lips to mine. It was a sweet kiss, and it felt like every doubt I had had before then melted away. It didn’t last very long, but it said everything. He pressed himself to me and I was happy to push back. Then, almost uncontrollably, I thought about how we had gotten in this position and started giggling. It became too much and soon we couldn’t even kiss because I was laughing too hard. Before he pulled away I felt him smile and then he moved his hands from my waist to cup my neck gently. The look in his eyes showed me just how much he truly loved me in that moment. My heart squeezed again, because even after all this time I couldn’t comprehend how anyone could love me as much as he so obviously did. “I love you,” he whispered, his mouth so close to mine I could taste his words. I wanted to kiss him again. “I still don’t know how you could, though,” I told him. I was incredulous to the fact that after all my flaws and all the hell I had put him through he could still love me. He chuckled. “Because you’re funny and clever and selfless and full of heart. You put others first and make everyone feel so special. Even when you make enemies you are so nice to them people would think you are best friends. Every time I look at you I realize how lucky I am that someone so beautiful could want me. You’re Hannah and you’re perfect,” he told me, all the humor out of his voice. He was so deadly serious he could be talking about the secrets of the world instead of why he loved me. I couldn’t think of anything to say, my emotions were so jumbled up inside of me. I was so happy and over joyed and overwhelmed and in love that I couldn’t even form a coherent thought much less a sentence. Instead, I pressed my lips against his once more and let myself fall into the magic that was kissing David.
Format Credit: Eknovels
Let me know what you think :)

Of Two Minds

I know for sure everyone will like this since David is in it. But I want to know what you think regardless.<3
Feedback please :)

“Bryce isn’t going to be happy about this,” David said, a small smile playing on his lips. I shook my head. “I don’t care. I needed you,” I told him honestly. It was true: I needed David right now, not Bryce. He smiled full out then, a sad, happy smile that someone gives you after you come back from a long vacation. The one that says they still don’t believe you’re in front of them but that they are happy to see you regardless. David reached for my hand and rubbed it lightly. “Where do you want to go?” he asked, looking at me with admiration. “Can we just go to your house?” I asked hopefully. It had been too long since I had been to his house. Heck, it had been too long since I’d been with David period. I needed to see him, talk to him, anything. This kind of separation was killing me. “My mom has been asking about you,” he said off handedly as he started the car. He pulled out of the parking lot, easily swerving around students rushing into school before the bell. “I miss her,” I said, thinking. I thought about all the times I had talked to David’s mom. Joy Ann, his mom, had helped me through a lot. When my dad got deployed in 7th grade my mom was a mess. She couldn’t do anything. She didn’t realize that I might be upset too. I spent a lot of time over at David’s during that time, and his mom always talked to me. She made sure I was okay when my mom was gone after my brother and dad had died and I was forever grateful she was in my life. I even told her when I started my period in 6th grade before I told my mom. We told her together and having her by my side made it so much less awkward. I already knew she would understand that I was pregnant better than my mom did. It made my heart hurt. David and I only lived 10 minutes from school so it didn’t take us much time to get there and soon we were pulling into his driveway. It was like pulling into my own home, not because it was right next-door, but because I had spent more time here than I had at my own house. I smiled as I got out of the car and went to the door. I would have opened the door myself since I had a key, but David already had his ready. We walked inside and were greeted with the cold air and the permanent aroma that was David’s house. It smelled like home; there was not other explanation. “Movie?” David asked. He had come up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I leaned against him, loving the feeling of him. I nodded. “I’ll get it ready. Go ahead and change,” he told me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to my shoulder then headed towards the den. I headed up to his room to change.
Format Credit: Eknovels
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Of Two Minds

I know for sure everyone will like this since David is in it. But I want to know what you think regardless.<3
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I walked into school the next day with my hair in a knot on my head and my baggiest sweatpants on. I cried all night and even when I thought I was done, I cried more. I knew it was the hormones from the baby that were giving me the impossible amount of tears, because surely if I were not pregnant I would have been all cried out long ago. My eyes were red and puffy and I felt like a blowfish. I wasn’t really showing, but you could tell I had gained weight. It sounded shallow, but since my life had gone down the drain I wanted to stay at least slim and beautiful for as long as possible. That was so not going to happen with my stomach growing like a flower on steroids. I walked slowly over to my locker, not in any particular hurry to go to class. I hadn’t really had any morning sickness, even though all the baby books said I should by now. I wasn’t some freak of nature, though; certain mornings I would wake up and need to immediately run to the bathroom. It was even worse when it happened in the middle of class, especially since only Bryce, David, and my mom knew about the pregnancy. My first hour teacher, Mrs. Vitel had not cut me any slack, which I guess was understandable since I left her class more than once on days when I just couldn’t hold it down. I knew sooner or later I had to tell the teachers and administration that I was pregnant. I just wanted to hold it off as long as possible. Not matter what they say in health class about not being judged, I knew what would happen if they found out I was pregnant at 17. And that wasn’t even the worst of it. I opened my locker and threw my jacket and bag in, not worrying about breaking or smashing anything. I found my eyes wetting again and almost growled. When was it going to stop? I was seriously tired of having permanently puffy eyes. Suddenly David was standing next to me. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. “David, what are you doing?” I asked, looking around. “You know it’s not your week…” I whispered. I knew in my heart that Bryce wouldn’t hurt David just for talking to me, but I really did not want to cause tension so early in the morning, especially when I was already so irritable and annoyed. He shook his head, annoyed. “I don’t care. I love you and I just don’t care. This whole thing is stupid! I’m not going to just stand by and watch you cry!” he said, his voice harsh. I realized that my eyes were no longer just wet but I was actually crying. I furiously brushed at my tears, only to find that more were following. “Dammit, make it stop!” I moaned, putting my head in my hands. David pulled me into his arms and held me tight. He stroked my hair as he held me, whispering comforting words in my ear. When I finished crying he pulled me back slightly only to hold me out in front of him with his hands on my shoulders. “What happened?” he whispered softly, looking deeply into my eyes. His eyes captivated me, making me lose my train of thought for a few seconds. I mentally shook myself and went about answering his question. “I told my mom…” I whispered, my eyes once again dripping. David’s face softened even more and all I could see was love and worry. “Hannah, I am so sorry. What can I do?” he asked desperately. I looked around, trying to see if Bryce was near. I didn’t see him, but I knew his locker was in a different hallway and he usually got here a little late. I swallowed hard and tried to make myself stop crying. “Can we skip?” I asked, sniffling. I as begging at this point; needing some escape. The truth was, David had always been my best friend. He was always there for me and this whole arrangement was terrible for me. I had always been able to talk to him. Last night when my mom left I pressed speed dial, meaning to call him, but forced myself to hang up. I would have my time with David but it was my week with Bryce. Still, I couldn’t make myself call Bryce. He wasn’t David and at that moment, in that situation, he wasn’t good enough. David looked at me, really looked at me. He took a deep breath and then nodded. “Okay. Yeah. Let’s go,” he told me. Then he took my hand and led me out of the building.
Format Credit: Eknovels
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