
Joined: May 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109550
                 Catalina Mercedes Rusaw
                                    ^ Yupp, thats me ^

   I guess you could say im funny, athletic, entertaining, and shy(: But once you get to know me the shyness goes away d: Ive got trust issues fpr many reasons but dontg worry, they arent important.

      I give pretty good advice and i can help you with whatever your going through, garenteed. So if you ever need anyone to talk to im here. Get ahold of me on facebook, or email me or something d:  
      I blow the candles out on April 6th(: 

Im currently single but ive got my heart set on someone<3

Quotes by Catalina456

Set my pride to the side,   
Tear me open look inside
Just to see how many times
You really made these eyes cry

And today I deleted his number from my phone
       Today i deleted him from facebook.
              Today i deleted him from my life<3



Rhinos are just fat unicorns. Maybe if we appreciated them more, they would reveal their mystical powers. !!!:D♥


Signs that things aren't going so well;;

       The only reason you have a girlfriend is because your name is Edward .



Me: Dad, lets go find some pedophiles!

Dad: Thats just wrong Cat!


Dad: You are one messed up person.




You said hey,
What's your name,
It took one look,
And now I'm not the same,
Yeah you said hey,
And since that day,
You stole my heart and you're the one to blame


 Imma Snaaaakee(;