
Joined: January 22, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: October 27
user id: 266469
Gender: F

Quotes by Dream_Love_Hope2115

I want to be with you
and you push me away
when i call you out on it
its like im the one to blame
it fills me with sorrow
and i don't know why
i still stay around
just waiting for goodbye
but i won't be the one to give up
not this time
i know i annoy you and you put up with a lot
but you never know the pain you bring to my heart
Some how it is always my fault
Take the knife of love away from me because its twisting inside so i can't breath
I didn't want to deal with you
was the biggest knife in my heart
If I let you go would you even care
If I let you go would you even care

My only relief for the pit in my stomach is writing
My chest feels tight
I feel the burn of tears
a Knife in my throat
hen I say I miss you
nd you look at me with pain
ecause you are over me
and I can not move on
I am me
I could change
I don't want to
that is how
I hope it
stays forever
You once looked at me with love
I c
ould feel your desier to be with me
Now you
pull away from me
nd I feel soconfused
one moment all in
he next
anting to run from life
d from me