
Joined: August 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 209462
Buzzing for Christmas!<3<3<3

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Hello!♥ My name would be Seren, from a small country called Wales:') My name is weird, yeah, I know. But it means star. I speak my countrys language, Welsh, I also speak, French, Spanish and obviously English. The girls who support me through eveything are my best friends - Chantelle, Eleri, Shannon & Georgia. They're always there for me, even when I screw up, they're there helping me get thorugh it. I also love my Mum, Dad, brother Cai, Nan and Grandad they're all special and I dunno where I would be without them, I love you all! Also, someone really important to me is my cousin Niamh, she's my best friend and like a sister to me, she's always been there for me, no matter what.

So anyway, I love singing, even though I'm not any good at it, it just makes me happy, you'll find I'm always singing.

I'm probably one of the craziest people you'll meet, you'll also find me annoying, but thats me. I tend to mess things up, when it all goes right.
If your wondering, I'm the weird brunette in my dp, Im with my good friend Zoe.
Well, I dunno what to put next, I'm also probably boring you. If you want to know something just ask, k? thnxbye.


Quotes by Ducky

This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending,
nolove, nohope, no glory,

No happy ending, this is the way that we love

Likeits for ever,

Then live the rest of our life,

but not together.


I 'm broken do you hear me

I'm blinded, cause you are everything I see,
  I'm dancing, alone
I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around.

 Lifeistoshort. . . .

to be wasting my time waiting for you.. I'm over it.

Before I die
Chapter 2.

I remeber the rest, the pain. But I wish not to explain. You might be wondering where I am, what form am I or why do I still have my spirit. Many questions like that have been asked, and I shall give you the answer. I'm in Heaven, rarely do I go back to Earth. But I am not seen nor heard. The form I have been given is my old body, but like I said, I am not seen. I continue to have a soul as I was a innocent and good human being, therefore I was given choice to leave my spirit and sleep forever, or to be a guardian angel. I am a guardian to my little sister, Melissa. I watch my little sister grow each day. She is now the same age as I was when I died, she is 14. Melissa is beautiful, strong and kind. I wish I could be there to hold her through the rough parts of life, but atleast I am lucky enough to watch her grow up...

I'm at my grave. Its cold, I dont feel anything, but cold. I kneel over, tears start to form in my eyes. My life, all gone. I see a figure, walking towards me, Im unable to see them due to the fog. The figure gets closer, its Melissa. She's looking directly at me. Can she see me? I wonder. She kneels next to me, she starts to cry. She place's a single rose in front of my grave. "I miss you. Its strange not having you around. Its diffrent. I dont like it. Even though its been 11 years, I dont think I will ever get used to it. Not one day have I gone without thinking about you, my beautiful big sister. You know, today was the day you died. Mum and Dad would be here, but their too busy sulking from their argument last night. They've been arguing alot lately. I've been seriously missing you lately. I cry at night. I have dreams that your still alive. I love you, I have to go now, I have to go back home or mum and dad might be worrying about me. I'll come again soon. Bye." She whispered to my grave.
"I miss you too!" I whispered back. "Alot."
Melissa got up to go and started walking slowly towards the bus stop next to the grave yard. I watched her leave.



any good? should i post more?:')

Before I die
Chapter 1.


It was a warm afternoon in the city of Newport, I was walking through Beechwood park with my little sister running in front of me. My little sister is 3, she has dark curly hair and light blue eyes, as bright as the sea. She looks like our grandmother, who passed away a month before my sister was born, so we named her Melissa after our grandmother. Melissa ran towards the swings, attempting to climb onto them. "Here, let me help you." I said, picking her up and she sat on the swing.
"Push me! Push me!" she called to me, as I was walking to the bench.
I groaned but walked towards her. I started to push her on the swings as she squealed. My phone started to ring. Caller ID: Jenny. I answered the call.
"Aim, where are you?" Jenny asked.
"Beechwood Park, why?" I said.
"You forgot! We're meant to be meeting at Starbucks. Right now."
"Oh my god, I did forget! Well, I'm at Beechwood right now, with Melissa. I.. I'll be there soon!" I said and hung up. I spun around facing Melissa. I smiled at her.
"Lissa, we have to go now, we have to meet Jenny town. You like Jenny, dont you?" I said, taking hold of Melissa's hand.
"I dont wanna go! I like Jenny but I like here better!" Melissa snatched her hand away, and started to cry.
"Well.. if you come with me, I'll buy you a Mcflurry from McDonalds." I said, giving her a sweet smile.
"Okay!" Melissa squealed, she stopped crying and took hold of my hand and we started to walk towards the bus stop. Minutes later the bus arrived. We boarded the bus and Melissa ran towards the back like any kid would do, while I payed the bus fare. Old ladies sat in the front of the bus, talking about their day. I made my way to the back of the bus and slumped down in my seat next to Melissa. I got my phone out and checked my face, like any normal teen would do. I heard a scream, I looked up to see my little sister pointing out the window, a car was speeding down a lane and was coming speeding into the side of the bus. I screamed and started to panic. Then the car hit us, glass shattered onto us, flames began and I heard a faint sound of sirens. I looked up to see a fire had started on the bus. I felt weak and something was pressing down my leg. Smoke filled the air, and soon, I fell unconcious.



any good? should i post more?:') if your confused i wrote a intro, check it out!:D

Before I die

My name is Amelia Keel, to my friends I'm Aim. I was 14 when I was in a car accident, and then died a day later. Doctors dont know what caused my death, I was told I was lucky as there was not much damage in the accident. I remeber that day like it had just happened, even though it was almost 11 years ago. If I was still alive, I would be 25 by now, but as I'm a ghost I do not age. That day, the 27th of September, was my last day on earth. This is how it happened...



any good? should i post more?:')


H o w  w i l l  y o u  k n o w  i f
someone, loves you if you don't tell






"are you squidward?"
Fire hydrant "..."

"Thats okay, take your time."




I o v e  i s  h a n d i n g

someone a gun and letting it

point to your head,

believing that they won't pull the





I'm having my jabs soon, ♥
&&I'm scared, has anyone had it?,... does it hurt? what happened when you had it done? please help,..