
Joined: June 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 183123

Embeasley11's Favorite Quotes

how someone
tell you so many
and not feel a thing.

This Time Last Year
Everything Was So

How do you look at the guy you love
and tell yourself it's time to walk away?

-The Vow


Dont say you love me

unless you really mean it.

because   I   might    do   somet hing   crazy,

l i k e   b e l i v e  i t . ♥



Heres   an    idea.
Get up, get out of bed. I don’t care if you’re emotionally exhausted. Laying in that bed
all day won’t do you any good.  Pick out your favorite outfit. Make yourself look pretty
for absolutely no reason other than to prove to yourself that you’re not worthless.
Eat a big breakfast. Some pancakes with extra chocolate chips. It won’t make you
fat, I promise. Listen to all of your favorite songs. Dance around a bit. Just live.
There will be absolutely no moping, crying, cutting or starving today.

Today is December 18 and today will be a good day.


Sometimes I like to pretend
that I'm okay because I don't want to annoy people
                                              with my problems.


♥ format ThatsSoMeee ♥
Im sick and tired
of feeling fat and worthless.

Sometimes by holding on

      too tight,
You - end - up - losing - what - you - were - trying - so

hard to save
Soap is a prime example.