
Joined: June 7, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 306540
Location: Colorado
Gender: F

Embrace Being You

People are going to try and tear you down, but you are bigger than them, so Embrace who You are and never look back...

Quotes by EmbraceBeingYou

I'm just banking on the fact that college is going to be different...
Freshmen Tip # 5
Show Your Spirit

The worst thing you can do as a freshmen class is be LAME. Cheer at assemblies, attend football and bastketball games! Know your school song! Upperclassmen will never let you live it down if you are caught lacking spirit.
Freshmen Tip # 4
Don't know anyone? Don't Stress

Chances are you won't have very many classes with your closest friends. Just remember this happens to everyone. Keep an open mind and talk to new people. Talk to that kid you had math with in 8th grade!
Freshmen Tip # 3
Plan Your Route

Use your first week to figure out the quickest ways to get to class. Take different routes until you get the routine down. Teachers won't give out tardies during the first week.
Freshmen Tip #2
Know where you're going
Turning around in the middle of a crowded hallway is embarassing.
Freshmen Tip #1
Seniors DO hate you
Face facts seniors will hate you, simply becuase you are a "freshemn" "freshmeat" "freshie" or any other noncreative nickname circulating your school

I used to only hate 95% of humanity, lately it's a solid 98%
Dang. We aren't even dating. But we sure argue like a married couple
The Awkward Moment, when you like a guy, and your friend likes guy. And those two guys are friends. But you don't know if the guy you like likes you or the other guy likes your friend. And don't want to talk to the other guy too much for your friend, to avoid accidental flirting. But then the four of you are just so awkward that you stand by each other at a basketball game, but dont say anything... and thus the awkward teenager was born.
My Grandma is getting surgery tomorrow...
Please Pray

~For the cure~