
Status: My excuse is that I'm BLONDE. ♥
Joined: October 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: December 25
user id: 335130
Location: Under your bed. -___-
Gender: F
So...I love the color P!NK

and I'm BLONDE

and I like SPARKLES & C0FFEE!

Quotes by EnaBoBena

Last Summer
, I lost a dear friend in the army
I miss him like crazy, but deep down inside he's still here
I never have to go far to see him, I can always simply
walk over to my closet and pull out an old photo album
Even thought everything in life has changed,
the memories never fade away
Everytime i look at the pictures, the flashbacks start to hit me
I don't always wanna look back at those days, it hurts
But I can't help it. I miss him today, I missed him yesterday,
I will always miss him.

You're a true hero, Mikey ♥
I miss you.
Last Summer
, I lost a dear friend in the army </3
I miss him like crazy, but deep down inside he's still here
I never have to go far to see him, I can always simply
walk over to my closet and pull out an old photo album
Even thought everything in life has changed,
the memories never fade away
Everytime i look at the pictures, the flashbacks start to hit me
I don't always wanna look back at those days, it hurts
But I can't help it. I miss him today, I missed him yesterday,
I will always miss him.

You're a true hero, Mikey ♥
I miss you.
I got a lot of nice things for christmas,
but my favorite thing of all was spending it with my  
f  a  m  i  l  y
This quote is "ugly"
This quote is "lame"
This quote is "worthless"
No format
No color
Just plain & simple

And the funny thing is, ALL of you are sitting here complaining
how people judge you on your looks, but it's EXACTLY what you
do on witty.
So he doesn't notice you?
He doesn't talk to you?
He doesn't think about you?
You don't even exist to him?
B u t  w h a t  d o  y o u  w a n t ?
You want him to notice you
to talk to you
and to think about you
You wanna be his "beautiful"
his "honey"
his "babe"
h i s   g i r l f r i e n d
make it happen
stop being so shy
you don't even know who you are
do you?
You're beautiful
s m a r t
you're you, and nobody else
that's what makes YOU special 
So go out there
and say "Hi"
"how are you"
"whats up"
even if its a little thing like...
"do you have a pencil?"
Just do it.
I promise, nothing bad will happen.
Make your dreams come true.


actually my status wasn't
directed towards you
But hey, if the shoe fits...
feel free to wear it. (:


I'm up for business again!
Anybody remember me from 2010? If you do, you'd know me as (Ena) For a while I had to leave witty, but I'm back (:

I draw names (signs) in cool ways
I give advice

I draw pictures of any sort
I'm ALWAYS here 24/7

I edit pictures
I'm your new best friend 

I can do pretty much anything you request

Comment below your requests!

you can email me at: 
How many girls are going to post a quote saying
"I wonder what its like to..."
So you can only get followers if you have a
nice layout for your profile
and a
fake profile picture...
even on witty people are judgemental.
While everybody's out there
enjoying this 3-day-weekened
Let's not forget what this holiday is really about
Remember to thank the brave soldiers
who are serving and have served
our country for the better,
and remember the only reason
you're here enjoying america
is because of them