
Joined: September 24, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
Birthday: November 26
user id: 221001
Gender: F

Quotes by FluffyScamp

You always hold my hair back and tell me I'm beautiful when I'm bent over in pain, throwing up violently..

And I've never understood how someone like you,

could love a dying girl like me in such a way.

But, thank you.


Screw everyone else, I'm going to be my own hero.


beating cancer, one step at a time.


When we were 4 you shared your toys willingly with me at the daycare we both attended.

When we were 5, we took swimming lessons together and we'd have the best water fights.

When we were six, you and I stayed up in your tree house for hours, reading our favorite books.

When we were seven, you told me that you thought I had pretty hair.

When we were eight, we'd go on walks together when our families were fighting, which was often.

When we were nine, we vowed to always be best friends.

When we were ten, we wrote letters to ourselves when we graduated from highschool, and we put each other's picture inside.

When we were eleven, you told me that you thought I was the greatest friend you've ever had, even if I was a girl.

When we were twelve, we started middle school together and you stood up for me when the school bully called me "ugly."

When we were thirteen, you and I joined together on a science project, and we won.

When we were fourteen, we graduated eighth grade together and went to the dance as friends.

When we were fifteen, we learned what pain really means as your mom passed away and I stayed up to hear you cry.

Now that we're sixteen, I have to admit..

I'm in love with you.

Never, under any circumstances, fall in love with a coworker.

Trust me.
Has anyone watched Family Guy?

Yeah well, apparently I sound just like Chris.

For a boy, he had impeccable hair.

For me, time was running out faster than I'd expected.

So he whispered, "if not having any hair can work for you, it can work for me too."

I can't stand it when people hold others with cancer up on a pedestal. Sure, we go through a lot, but we can be just as bad as people without a life threatening disease. I can be a huge brat, and so can my friend. We're still normal, we don't like being referred to as "cancer patients." We're human beings. We're just human beings who will die of a disease, and sometimes, we're bald. That's it. WE ARE NO DIFFERENT.
I really hate when people try and force their religion on me.

I'm not going to believe in air, I'm not going to believe that "God" put me where I am today, and I'm sure as heck not going to believe that everything happens for a reason. Because guess what? Sometimes life just sucks, and all you "religious," people are just going to have to get over it.
I honestly don't think there should be a "Top Quotes" section anymore, it only creates drama, makes "Witty populars" even more cocky, and the rest of us feeling disappointed. Seriously, what's the point in it anymore?
I hate when people look up to me because I beat cancer.

I didn't do anything.

A "god" didn't do anything.

My doctors did everything,

so look up to them.
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