
Status: Never Settle
Joined: November 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 243365
Gender: F

I'm Chantelle.
18. College. Boston.
No judgement.

You are somebody's everything, never forget that. You are worth every breath. Every mistake is there to shape your heart. You are you because of every situation you have survived. Remember: You survived.

Quotes by Freckles7

That AwkwArd moment when Spence gives her V-cArd to the A Team...

We accept the love we think we  [x] [x]  


Stephen Chbosky

Don't allow your situation to turn your heart ugly.

You're worth so much more than that.
Life is a cycle of ups and downs. It's drama and it's peace. It's ying and it's yang. It's coming home one day to destruction and the next it's realizing family is all you have. It's getting a job, losing a job and getting a job all over again. It's realizing who you are and what you want out of life. Then, it's meeting somebody or experiencing a situation that changes everything. It's being flipped on your head and having to find yourself again. It's life. The pain. The sacrafice. The laughing. The candy apples. The yelling matches. The hugs. The flying fists. The kisses. The tears. The fears. The teddy bears. The broken bones. That's life. You won't always enjoy it, but you will survive it.

Grandma: "The only thing in life that will ever matter is happiness. I wasted a lot of time being unhappy. Learn from my mistakes. Do your own thing and chase your own dreams. Nobody else is going to do that for you. Make yourself happy."

Mom talking to her best friend: "I don't get it. If I ever got a facebook page my children would ask me if I had been smoking crack. These people posting "I love my daughter," or "My son is so awesome," are you as soft as a grape? Yeah, I'm fond of my kids. I haven't killed them yet. If I want to say, "Hey, you're my kid and I love you," I can just go find them. I don't need to declare my undying love for my kids on facebook. That's so embarrassing for everybody involved."

True story. I love my mom.

"And I thought that all those little kids are going to        grow up someday.     And all
of those little kids are          going to do the things that we do.         And they will all
kiss someone someday. But for now, sledding is enough. I think it would be   great
if sledding were always enough,                                                                       but it isn't."

- The Perks of Being a Wallflower -

Make your ♥ move
because I've been waiting for far too long.


0 faves = I am beautiful.
3 faves = I am beautiful.
7 faves = I am beautiful.
15 faves = I am beautiful.
25 faves = I am beautiful.
30 faves = I am beautiful.
 It is nobody's place to judge me and no matter what, I know that
I am beautiful.