
Joined: October 26, 2014
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 387506

The name's Michael
I'll come up with something creative to write here soon.


Guyy's Favorite Quotes


It always rains the hardest on the people who deserve the sun.



I don’t know you yet. I don’t know your favorite songs. Or your favorite books. Or what makes you laugh or what makes you cry. Or your food allergies. I don’t even know your first name or your last. Or where you live or what you do. But I know I’ve got faith in you. That you’ll come, and that I’ll learn everything about you and that maybe we’ll be happy once in a while. Because love is having faith. And I’ve got faith that you are out there. Whoever you are. I am a lonely soul but that does not mean I have to be alone. Because the bravest thing you can do in this world is believe that you deserve to be loved. Even if it hasn’t come yet.
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DonT LeT Your LoYaLTY
become slavery. if
bring to the table
THeN LeT THeM eaT aLoNe.

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Image is from tumblr, original photographer unknown.
You can never “just be friends” with someone you fell in love with

when you're dreaming with a broken heart
waking up is the hardest part

This quote does not exist.

You was given this life because you're strong enough to live it..

Cheer up Wittians!


Life's not so bad
Being a genius doesn't mean you can't be dumb;
It just means you're smart enough for it not to matter.
It doesn’t make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we don’t really see ourselves. We don’t watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up and silent with chests rising and falling with our own rhythm. We don’t see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. You don’t see yourself looking at someone with love and care inside your heart. There’s no mirror in your way when you’re laughing and smiling and happiness is leaking out of you. You would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly yourself.