
Joined: August 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 210871
Hey my name is Kristina
I am 13 years old, my birthday is March 18th
I'm a 7th grader
I love love love loooooove One Direction!
Harry Styles is my favorite, i love him soooo much!
My favorite color is pink
Nicki Minaj is my role model
My best friend is Jennifer
I have 2 older siblings
Follow me and i'll follow back(:
I Love Harry Edward Styles ;*

Quotes by HeyyItssKristinaa99

I Love
Harry Styles ;*

My favorite show is
Shake iT Up!
because;;CeCe&Rocky remind me of my best friend and I, 2 dancing bff's.<3

Repost if you love GOD

[ Remember he just saw you looking at this ]  

She Believed.

S[he] Be[lie]ve[d].♥ 


That Moment When
you add
Witty people on Facebook.

operator: 9-1-1 please hold.
me: ok, wait stop stabbing me for a sec.
murderer: kay.



i want a boy who
will randomly grab me and kiss me
when i'm yelling at him


Always Remembered
Never Forgotten

‎99% of guys in this world are hot
the other 1% go to my school.
I'm not shy, i just don't like you.