
Joined: January 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 63728
Yes, my name is Hiba.
I'm from Australia! 
I'm 14 years old, & in the 9th Grade.
& I love to write.
Writing is my passion.

In fact, I sent in a few of my lyrics over to America, Nashville.
And I got a letter in my mail-box... with a song-writing contract!
So, hey, you never know when one of your favorite singers will be singing
one of my songs ;)

I used take
[  R E Q U E S T S  ]

but i'm not anymore.
but i promise i will re-open the requests soon!

[ TAYLOR        S W I F T ]

You write songs about my life.<3

HibaSweetish's Favorite Quotes

Aging Mildred was a 93 year old woman

who was particularly despondent
over the recent death of her husband Earl.
She decided that she would just
kill herself and join him in death.
Thinking that it would be best to
get it over with quickly, she took out Earl's old
Army pistol and made the decision to
shoot herself in the heart since
it was so badly broken in the first place.
Not wanting to miss the vital organ and
become a vegetable and burden to someone,
she called her doctor to inquire
as to just exactly where the heart would be.
"On a woman," the doctor said,
"your heart would be just below your left breast."
Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital
with | a | gunshot | wound | to | her | knee(:
life is like an hour-glass glued to the table
( you can't flip it over to rewind time )
nothing can


keep us apart
This quote does not exist.
&when she says 
       L O L
T O  Y O U  O N   A I M

                   S H E 
D O E S N ‘T  M E A N 
                                    >L A U G H  O U T  L O U D<

S H E  M E A N S :
>L O T S  O F  L O V E

 She asked him,
"If I f e l l  for you, would you be there to catch me? "
He smiled at her, and whispered; " You would already
be in my [arms] before you even started to ----x>f a l l." <3

awww!! completeelyyy mineee<3333 half coloringg full
eevrythingg elseeee<3 hope it makess senseeee(:

color pictures
s h o w   t h e   c o l o r   o f   o u r   c l o t h e s .

black &+ white pictures
s h o w   t h e   c o l o r   o f   o u r   s o u l .


It's Gotten To The Point
where I'm spending
an hour getting ready
to go to the grocery store
for the 1% chance

He Might Be There
Its 11:10pm . .
ok... just one minute.
so tonight, im gonna wish
that you would hug me [tight] tomorrow.
wait .. no... k i s s me. :]
with your
gorgeous lips.
and your always messy always cute hair.
i love how you make me feel so ...
im not sure what the feeling is but
i love it.
so tonight im gonna wish that you kis--

DAMMIT!  UGH its 11:12pm.
(i have to plan my wishes earlier....)
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