
Joined: January 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 63728
Yes, my name is Hiba.
I'm from Australia! 
I'm 14 years old, & in the 9th Grade.
& I love to write.
Writing is my passion.

In fact, I sent in a few of my lyrics over to America, Nashville.
And I got a letter in my mail-box... with a song-writing contract!
So, hey, you never know when one of your favorite singers will be singing
one of my songs ;)

I used take
[  R E Q U E S T S  ]

but i'm not anymore.
but i promise i will re-open the requests soon!

[ TAYLOR        S W I F T ]

You write songs about my life.<3

HibaSweetish's Favorite Quotes

Find A Guy
who doesn't care if you laugh
loud / chew with your MOUTH
open / sing off key / cry at the
movies / or act like an inseane
person / and all it does is make
him love you e v e n  m o r e
I'm Sick.
Of being told I’m not good enough.
This is me, this is who I am.
You don’t have to like me, you don’t
Have to agree with me.
But I do not give you
Or (anybody else)
Permission to judge me.
You don’t know me.
You might think that you do
You can say you’ve seen people like me
But that’s the thing.
Y o u  h a v e n ’ t .
You don’t know if I’m like everybody else.
And chances are I’m not.
I might not be popular
I  might   not  be   beautiful
I’m not smart or talented
I’m not even strong.
But I’m strong enough.
MuSiC GiVeS uS aLL
an escape from our drama-filled
teenage heart ache driven lives
a chance to accually be a part
of something purely
It gives us something to
 believe  in.

©redit4edit please
This quote is so  cute! <3

Meaghan Martin:
"Nick, why are you writing in cursive?"
Nick Jonas:
"Because it's more romantic"

I love you Nick (:

when life gives you lemons
thow them back and yell
i want the jonas borthers
sorry if i took
your qoute
her life is a mess
and   she  doesn`t   even   care.   no   one   understands   her.  &*   people   say
stuff    to   put   her   down  and  no   one   even   notices   that   she   might   be
breaking   inside.   or   they   never   notice   that   maybe , just maybe   she   needs
a   hug   from  someone   --   or   maybe 
( all   she   needs ]   is  someone   to   sit   next 
to   her   +   listen   to   her.   maybe   (( thats   all   she   really   needs..<3 ))

credit ;; yummxwafflesss! !

its hard`*
to wait around for something
that you know will
but its
to stop when you
know its everything you ever wanted

credit to ;;
------> dancexforever27

i love this quoteeeee<3!
i didn't get my perfect fantasy,
i realize you love yourself
more than you could ever love me,
so go and tell  your friends that
im obsessive and crazy that's fine
i'll tell mine your gay.
=We All Have That Boy=

That we pretend not to look for before first period.
That we try not to like even though its the hardest
thing in the world. 
When you see him smile at you. you just get
butterflies in the bottom to the top of your stomach.
It's uncontolable. But you dont care or even mind.
You've gotten used to the wonderful feeling
When you look into his eyes you just cant help but stare
just deep into his eyes.
And when you hear his laugh you wish you could just back up
and re-hear it over and over and over again.
You just love this kid more than anything.
& You'd kill to be his girl

+LeAnNa LykA+
We all know Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb...
but when questioned about his 2,000 failures, he said,
"I didn't fail 2,000 times. I succeeded in finding 2,000 ways
how not to make a lightbulb."
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