
Joined: July 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 200609

Quotes by HipToBeSqaure

 W  I  T  T  Y :     

where half of us have stories of heartbreak and loss, while the other half have stories of guyfriends who walk over to their house at midnight in the pouring rain with roses to confess their love.
Ah, Romance 


a th only  one ?

who doesn't hate life, who is fine with who they are, who doesn't care what people think, who doesn't need a boy's love to happy, who knows that there is always tomorrow?

am i the only one that can just be?♥

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Trying to make a metaphor

but ending up sounding like a complete loon.


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Just because I'm dlonbe,

doesn't mean I'm dumb! ;)