
Joined: February 16, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 101439

Not on this much anymore!
check out my tumblr below, that where i usually am ;)


.... nah :P

ItsKayleiighBaby's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

 my mother erks me.

i am 14 years old. & i was sitting in the car for 1 hour waiting for my mom to come out of Wegmans. when she finally got in the car, she looked over at me & said; 

"i'm so sorry it took so long, i was gonna call you & tell you to come into the store... but then i realized oh wait... SO THEN i was gonna text you & tell you to come in but then i though, oh wait..." 

the reason she couldn't do any of that is because i don't have a phone. she said that if i could at least get a top quote on "this stupid website" then she will get me one. 

please favorite! (: 


99% of guys are hot, The Other 1% are in my school.
border credit; formatte`

never text and walk 

the lamp is closer
              than you think♥


i hate it when a girl
takes a picture and makes a kissey really?


bitchh,you look like a constipated duck.
just sayin..



Laugh your heart out.
Dance in the rain.

Cherish the moment

Ignore the pain.
Live,Laugh, Forgive
and forget...

Life is too short

To be living with regrets. ♥

I Couldn't Help But Notice

that awesome ends with 'me' 

and  ugly  starts  with



we fight with the people
we love the most<3

who do you think you are
runnin' round leaving scars;

collecting your jar of hearts &&

tearing love apart


On His Birthday,
J u s t i n   de c i d e d   t o   d o n a t e   m o n e y  t o

The  A m e r i c a n   Ca n c e r   So c i e t y

&  To   c o u n t r i e s   who    n e ed   f r es h   w a t e r

Th a  t   Sa y s   Some t h i n g

f a v  f o r    l e s s   c a n c e r    a n d   more   b i  r t  h d a ys