Quotes by JustAGurl

can anyone give me advice??


advice please?


I will always be

Ive fallen for a college guy. Im a senior in high school , never had a bf before or anything. He usually is the one to start the conversations and I really like him. But idk im so shy and stuff so nothing will probably happen
He said he wants to hang out soon but he has to check his schedule cause he has allot of exams and stuff.  Then i replied okay just let me know when and if u still want to and he was like of course I want to its just a mtter of when =]   .
do u thnk he may like me back ??

I'm tired of waiting
When will it be my turn
To fall in love

I am sick of being single
I am sick of people telling me one day it will happen
I am sick of thinking something is wrong with me 

 Because no guy has ever like me
I am sick of thinking something is wrong with me I ghg hh


People pick on her
Because she is different
Growing up she was told it's okay to be different
But now she's not so sure
She's dying inside because she can't be accepted for who she is

Advice please 
  should i tell my guy friend i like him even if it might wreck our friendship?.

Why is it so hard for me to tell someone how i feel