
Joined: May 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173539



Katherin e
taken [17.12.2011]//soccer//

format by; tylerr

Katherine's Favorite Quotes

I can't believe it's only been one month.. it feels so much longer.
Rest In Peace Matthew, I love and miss you so much I can't even begin to describe it..
8/17/1996 - 1/12/2012
We'll never forget you.


watching my  friend's little brothers fight:
5 year old: "you're dumb!"

  3 year old:"oh yeah? well you're stupid!"
5year old: "your face is stupid!"
3 year old: "oh yeah? WELL YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE A TRUCK!"

I hate it when teachers say,

"You think its funny?"


That’s why I laughed.

Those boys you
have to remotly tolerate because
your bestfriends are dating them.
hannahlovesxox fade
Lean down a minute first,” he says. Need to tell you something.
I lean over and put my good ear to his lips, which tickle as he whispers.
Remember, were madly in love,
so it’s all right to

kiss me anytime  

you feel like it.  

-peeta mellark 


Does anyone else
listen to their music and imagine an epic story to go with it with yourself as the main character?
Or is it just me?

Abusing the report button.

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

hauntingly beautiful

Chapter 1         

How was your sleep, darling?" my adoptive mother asked, settling a plate of pancakes in front of me.
I poked at the pancakes with my fork, watching as they deflated.
"Fine." I moodily grumbled.
My adoptive mother frowned, as she twisted her lips, turning to the sink to wash the dishes.
I gulped, feeling guilty.
I knew I shouldn't be so cold towards her, since she did get me out of the orphanage a year ago, but it was just a bad habit of mine.
She tried to enter her way into my life, but it was hard for me to accept and trust her.
I ate the pancakes silently, as the sweet liquid of the syrup drenched down my throat.
As soon as it was time to start heading to school, I rinsed off the dishes.
I started walking to school, as my old beaten up Converse shuffled on the cement.
I dreaded going to school, since I was, sterotypically, the school's outcast.
I was declared the schools outcast, just because I was so shy and quiet all the time.
"Loser coming through." the brunette witch snickered, as I walked by her.
I cringed, as I tried my best to ignore the giggles that filled the atmosphere.
I quietly staggered to my lockers, as I dialed my combinations lock.
I grabbed my books, as I placed them firmly in my hands.
I began to speed off to class, to avoid anymore confrontation from anyone who had a higher status than me at this school.
Just as I was about to head to class, a tall, masculine jock bumped his shoulder agaisnt mine.
My textbooks went flying, as they piled on the floor one by one.
"Oops, sorry." the jock sarcastically smirked.
I grunted silently, bending over to pick up the books.
As I looked back up, I noticed that one of the jocks had turned back to me.
His eyes stared at me with pity, as I narrowed my eyes away in disgust.
Being bullied was a daily routine for me, and I didn't need sudden sympathy.
Especially from one of them.
I entered class, as I dazed out the window, not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying.
I had already read ahead in the lesson, so listening was just going to be a waste for me.
My eyes became heavy, as my breathing grew slow.
My eyes suddenly shut, as I went off into a nap.
Immediately after closing my eyes, my father's bloodshot eyes appeared in my dark vision.
A shriek escaped my lips, as my eyes snapped open.
The classroom became silent, as everyone's eyes stared at me.
I face flustered as I stared down at my desk.
"What a freak." a rude boy snapped from the back of the class.
I sniffled, feeling my heart calm down slowly.
"Is there something wrong, Miss Monroe?" my teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.
I breathed in and out slowly. "May I go to the bathroom?"
My teacher briefly rolled his eyes. "Take the pass."
I scurried out of my seat, as I grabbed the pass, shooting out of the door.
I went in the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face.
The picture of my fathers angry eyes kept staring back at my reflection through the mirror.
I grasped the counter of the sink.
"Everything will be okay." I whispered to myself.
I stepped out of the bathroom, as I began heading back to class.
Just as I was about to make a turn at the corner, my head bumped into someone.
"Crap! Watch where you're going!" the jock that pitied me retorted.
I stared up at him with fearful eyes, brushing by him swiftly.
"Are you okay?" he suddenly asked.
I stopped in my tracks, not bothering to turn around.
When he figured that I wouldn't reply, he asked again. "I asked, are you okay?"
I turned back to him, almost scared.
I nodded.