
Joined: August 1, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 12205

Quotes by KyStatusS

TwIrLiNg My HaIr AnD LiKiNg My StRaW cLeAn*
*SiTtInG nExT tO YoU mAkEs Me WaNnA sCrEaM
WaTcHiNg ThOsE WoUnDeRfUl LiPs MoVe To ThE sOnG*
*MaKeS mE wAnNa GrOvE aLonG
At NiGhT iPrAy*
*SoOn UlL fAcE tHe SaMe Way
IlL cU tHeRe*
*DoNt GiVe Up On Me!
^^^^ UsE iT
*.:. One Day u'll Wish upon a star.:.*
*.:. And wind up where the clouds are far behind you.:.*
*.:.So day your true love will save you from the place.:.*
*.:.And take u where u were ment to be!.:.*

^ This is to all u ladys in Man Lan!lol