
Status: I just want to be tall.
Joined: September 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: November 26
user id: 214935
Location: Somewhere in the south west.
Gender: F
Hi, my name is Jamie. I baby talk everything and books make me sad an irrational.
Bolin cursor by

Quotes by ForcingCourage*

Everyone: Omg why did you cut your hair?! It was so pretty!
Me: Well for one, I have swim team and putting on a cap is uncomfortable and taking a ponytail out of wet, clorinated hair? No siree. I also I have a new neice in the house, so I don't want her tugging my hair out. Then I had to cut my bangs anyway, and don't get me started on straightening wavy, greasy, hair. Also, I live in Arizona, it's too hot here for a lot of hair. There are so many more reasons,like-
Everyone: But it was pretty.
"And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free!"
-Elphaba, Defying Gravity, Wicked.
I think it's just hilarious when people tell me to get in shape after they see my slightly fat belly.
Then, some of them try to poke it to make fun of me and realize that under the fat, there is a ton of muscle.
I mean, have you watched the olympics? Most of the athletes are overweight and it's because of how much muscle they have!
I've seen people as skinny as a stick do 50 plus clapping push ups and I've seen people with some extra belly fat run faster than anyone I know.
I know people that don't excersize at all and maintain the so called 'perfect' BMI and I know people who excersize all the time and never lose all of their unwanted weight.
Some people have a smaller frame and are perfectly healthy, and some have a bigger frame and are just the same.
Your weight or body shape don't have anything to do with your health in most cases, so stop judging before you actually see what people are like.
Okay so the other day the funniest/most terrifying/cutest thing happened!
I was talking with my friends and I was going to ask my friend Mia if I could ask her crush out for her if he broke up with his girlfriend, and she said yes.
Ten seconds later, we saw her crush and her brother sitting together and talking, and we all started to freak out because her brother knew who she liked.
Amidst the craziness, we all look over to them and we see her brother give Mia this big knowing smile like,'are you happy little sister? I'm hooking you two up'
We flipped out after that and laughed like no tomorrow.
Mia said she was going to interrogate her brother and after that school ended.

I texted Mia later, and she said that her crush said she was cute,  but he had a girlfriend.
So does this mean he would date her if it wasn't for his girlfriend or what?

To wrap this up, Mia considers her brother family again, I ship her and her crush so hard, and I kinda check facebook everday to see if her crush has changed his relationship status

Can we just talk about how nobody believes that in Elementary, Joan and Sherlock will stay friends and have a totally platonic relationship.
Can you imagine those two in a relationship without killing each other? Can you?
Hey I just met you
And this is crazy...

but look i really like you and I think we were meant for eachother.

last line from Legend of Korra
"Why would you partner me with someone so good? I'm not prepared for that. I mean, how could I be when I learned the pas de deux basics with a crap partner. Everyone wants to talk about how amazing he was, but he wasn't! He was indescribably terrible. As a pas de deux partner. As a boyfriend. And then he got his own boyfriend. And then he kissed me! And then he died. I mean, what sort of a person does that?"
-Abigail Armstrong.
 Normal People: Why can't you be straight?
Why can't I be a boy?

               Unpopular Opinions:
I don't understand the whole entire friend-zoned and forever alone thing. If you're friend-zoned, get over them and find someone that will actually go for you, or grow a pair and ask them out. Same with forever alone. Take responsibilty for yourself and act. Don't wait for something to happen, just do it.
And no, I'm not trying to be better than anyone. I've learned from my own actions and I've realized that if I did something about it, it wouldn't be as bad.