
Joined: January 25, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 1524
)}i{( - - ? heRe`s the infO . . . . the baSiCs . naMe --? laura age --? 14 niCkname --? sopPo . favOriiTes . cOlor --? gReen banD --? liNkin paRk shOws --? the oC // oTh // simPs that 7os shOw // giLmore giRls myoOsiC --? aLternative roCk bffl --? cg . cs . eh . pv . rr

Quotes by LPrOcKeR18

friends are like fOur leaf clovers
hard to find but lucky to have ..
the harDest thing ive ever done is keep believing
that there is sOmeone in this crazy world for me
everyDay im glad to wake up
and knOw tHat ii have a beSt
frieNd as niCe aS yu tHere to
carry me tHrough my day <3
throuGh the wind nd the rain
sHe sTands hard as a stoNe
in a wOrld she cannOt * riSe
aBove. but her dreAms give
her winGs and sHe flies to a
plaCe wheRe she iis loveD ..
wHen i tell you - - > ii love you
i dOn`t say it out of habit or tO
staRt a conversation .. ii say it
to reminD you yOu`re the best
thinG that ever happend to me
sOme day we`lL kNow if love can move a mounTain
someDay we`ll knOw .·´¯`­­­-» whyy tha sky iis blue.
somedAy we`lL know why ii waSn`t meanT for you
the reaSon God put spaCes inbetween your finGers
wAs so anoTher persOn`s hanDs could filL them up
i want to be remembered as tha girl wHo always
smiLes .. even wHen her * hearT is brOken < / 3
anD the one who could alwAys brighten up your
day .. eveN if she cOuldn`t briGhten up her own.
dOnt ever let someboDy be
yeR prioriTy wHile allowing
yourSelf to be tHeir oPtion \
frienDs are peOple wHo
kNow every thinG about
you .. aNd stilL like you !!
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