
Joined: January 25, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 1524
)}i{( - - ? heRe`s the infO . . . . the baSiCs . naMe --? laura age --? 14 niCkname --? sopPo . favOriiTes . cOlor --? gReen banD --? liNkin paRk shOws --? the oC // oTh // simPs that 7os shOw // giLmore giRls myoOsiC --? aLternative roCk bffl --? cg . cs . eh . pv . rr

Quotes by LPrOcKeR18

the day haS enDed ` the
moOn has beNded oveR
a sTar - studDed sky * ·.
sprinkling silver wHere -
ever the paThwayS liie.
truSt *is the harDest thing to
gain aNd the easiest to lOse
`nd almost imPossiible to get
baCk. sOo mayBe next time
you`lL thiNk before you taLk
(( behind my bAck ))
ii finalLy realizeD wHat liFe is alL
aBout. iTs hanGin` on when yer
heart haS had enouGh. iTs givin
more wHen you feel like giviN up
frienDs are like glue beCause
tHey`re alwAys theRe to puT
you baCk toGether wHen yer
LiFe (¯`­­­-» f a l L s . a P a r t
a true frieNd is someone wHo sees
the * pAin iin your eyeS whiLe evry
oNe elSe believes the smile on your
faCe. *
fOrgive your enemies buT
never forGet tHeir names.
- joHn F. kenNedy
thOse wHo realLy love yoU don`t meAn
to hurt you anD if they do* they can see
iT in yOur eyeS .. and it hurTs them toO.
thinGs chaNge *peOple cHange
iT doeSn`t mean you foRget the
pAst oR try tOo cover iT uP .. iT
simply meaNs that you move on
n' treaSure tHe memOriieS «·´¯)
a lie qeTs halfway arOund the worLd befoRe
the * truTh qeTs a chanCe to get iTs paNts on
reaL loSs is wHen you lOve some
one moRe thAn you love youRself
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