
Joined: September 22, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 220344

Keep your head up; there's always tomorrow

I love you <3
Why hello there.
I see you've stumbled across my profile. Nice huh? Yeah. Yeah I like it too. Haha anyway, I'm Lauren, in case you didn't catch that already. Currently a senior in high school. Represeeeentt :)
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Quote Comments by Lauren3202

Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6036877
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yeah witty is a family alright......a mean horrible tempered opinionated rude dysfunctional family.
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6032583
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damn lol so people that DO believe in gay marriage can post quotes about it but people who don't can't??? that's fair guys... like.. I don't care if gays are together i just don't think it should be called "marriage".
the definition of marriage: the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.
so yeah they can do what they want but don't freaking call it a marriage cuz like.... that's where it gets wrong to me.
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6021147
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what's worse than 1 bee sting?
2 bee stings. what's worse than 2 bee stings?
the holocaust. what's worse than the holocaust?

3 bee stings ;)
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6021056
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my life. lol i text so much that i can do it without looking ;P so i text under the table lolol
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6018777
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you DO have a chance. believe me.. believe me. i'm in the same situation you are. i'm in love with someone living miles away from me. i don't know if you guys have met..but i haven't met mine face to face yet. we've been in love and dating for over a year now. and we're making it work. hun listen to your heart, if you really love this boy and he really loves you, it's all going to fall into place okay? trust me. comment on my profile if you want to talk about it, i'd be happy to. stay strong❤
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6012868
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omg my life right now.
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6016748
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boy: Hunter (my bfs name omg lol)
girl: Audrey (nickname Andi)
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6009034
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remindaahh :)
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6015772
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boo :P
yes i'm ready for hate comments come at me broskii haha
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #6011752
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guys really just let her talk...maybe your stupid comments and are what she's talking about...
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5771167
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5733150
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omg my teacher had us do this
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5722503
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i love thisss
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5716503
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feb 27
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5713261
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aah :)
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5698639
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Okay so I'm lets get this straight....
You're calling people rude, when YOU just swore at the whole freaking website?
And don't blame the people for not helping wtf? Youre telling me that if you were in a mall or busy place and a man you didn't know randomly fell down with a medical condition that you knew nothing about that you would really go over and HELP him rather than watch? Yeah sorry nice try but I don't buy that one. You'd be getting in the way of the people that actually COULD help.
I'm not hating just that quote is soooo hypocritical I couldn't stand it. Hope your dad is better. Peeeeace broskiii.
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5690586
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this is legit one of the best quotes I've ever seen on here. good job broski ❤
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5695335
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tell meeee when you put up the next chapters!!!!!!
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5607452
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no offense but ew...
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Lauren3202 1 decade ago on quote #5604986
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