
Joined: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 154253


Quotes by Leeanneee

I looked at a picture of Caylee Marie, and thought how could anyone hurt that adorable child?
She's in a better place now though.

Rip Caylee
You didn't get what you deserved

Bringin Back
Socks with sandals

Drake and Josh Quotes #31
Drake: I'm going to write a note and attach it to it's tail!
Josh: Yes, because when I see a squirrel, the first thing I do is check it's tail for messages!
Drake: It can't hurt right?
Josh: Fine, at least let me do it. I don't trust you with wildlife after what you did to that dolphin...
Drake: i just wanted a ride...!

Drake and Josh Quotes #30
Mailman: Package for Josh Nichols
Josh: Thanks, have a good day.
Mailman: Don't tell me what to do.

Drake and Josh Quotes #29
Meghan: You guys make me sick! Maybe I should check into St. Illness.

Drake and Josh Quotes #28
Meghan: Okay, you guys are in the eleventh grade and you're playing with a model rocket?
Josh: No no no...
Drake: Noooo
Josh: We're building it so we can drop it off at the....
Drake: The..the... the children's hospital!
Josh: The children's hospital!
Meghan: Which hospital?
Drake: St.... illness
Drake: Fine! We're playing with a model rocket!

Drake and Josh Quotes #27
Drake: Insert the fuel pod into the rocket's...fui......fus.....fu
Josh: Sound it out!
Drake: Fu.... fuselege
Drake: Like I work for NASA!

Drake and Josh Quotes #26
Josh: But we have dates tomorrow
Drake: With hot twins!
Walter: Tough squash.
Drake: ....Squash?
Josh: I-I-I don't know, he says things that.... i don't, i don't know...

Drake and Josh Quotes #25
Drake: No I want to do it! You got to put on the nose con!
Josh: CONE!
I just got to say this is my favorite episode ever, and I crack myself up every time I watch it.
Drake and Josh is my favorite show ever!
Also thanks to everyone reading and faving, it means a lot.

Drake and Josh Quotes #24
Mindy: You can't end a relationship with a phone call.
Drake: Duh.. I'm gonna text her!