
Joined: July 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 194826

Missy L

Yeah... that's me in the image <3 

♥♥♥♥ About me... ♥♥

N A M E: Liliana [Lilly]
A G E: 21 [1990 - 07 - 20]
C O U N T R Y: Portugal
I LOvE TO: Music
♥One Direction♥ Cheerleading ♥♥ Fashion design
I SPEAK: Portuguese, english and french

to know who I am...
Just read my quotes

but... I can be sooo confusing some times, that no one understands me! I love animals & I protect them, they need people to stand up to their right!
I'm single and loving it.
Screw boys.
Screw realtionships.
BUT Maybe one day one boy will get into my life and prove me I'm wrong. (:




Quotes by LillyGurl

i hate that I'm so


I hate that I'm a mess.
I hate that I'm a cutter.
I hate my life.
I hate that I don't have "real" friends.
I hate my fears.
I hate that I'm so fragile.
I hate that everyone thinks I'm the strongest girl.
I hate my body.
I hate that I love you so much.
I hate to miss you.
I hate that I need you more than you need me.
I hate that I had to write this to feel better.

But most of all I hate


And I'm so tired of all this hate :\
I just want to be happy ... is that too much to ask for ??

She's just too

damn precious




i'm a mess, text me now.
I think I lke you. & I'm confused
maybe in

yeah... I'm a mess when it comes to Feelings.
& you make me Feel even more confused.

But this confusion Feels good.





will i ever love again?





& i wonder
will i ever be happy?
. . . . .

& this

confusion is



Worst thing a boy can do to me?

Get glose to me because he ONLY want's to date me. & if I say no, He walks away and it's like we never met.    -_-'  
Or lie to me.

Best thing a boy can do to me?

Smile and be nice to me. Be honest.

♥ ♥ ♥  


Worst thing a girl can do to me?

Fake. Be fake. lies lies lies...

Best thing a girl can do to me?

Be someone I can trust. 




I'm screaming for help.
why can't you hear me?





All i need someone to save
me from myself.

is that you?

it's been a month since
he destroyed me.
he made me feel worthless.
he gave up on me.
he made me feel hopeless.
he broke my heart.
he left.
I wasn't good enough.
I need him, but he's never there.
he threw me away.
he made me feel like trash.
no one or anything can save me.

he's gone.
