
Joined: May 21, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 301454

Hello there! This is my story profile, LiveLoveAct. The one that has all my actual quotes is wHaLeSoNgs! My story is Sea, Sand, and Summer, and feel free to follow to learn the lastest on Melissa, Rachel, Darren, and Rex :)

Want to see some pictures that have to do with SS&S?
Melissa's pink dress;

Quotes by LiveLoveAct

Fly Away With Me
Chapter One
Sometimes when I'm sad or upset about something, or I just need to be alone, I drive. I just drive through the winding roads - avoiding the busy highways and industrial parks - and just take in the scenary. The trees. The open fields. The neat, tidy houses with square yards.
That was how I found the small inn on the corner of two residential streets. One was newer, all the houses with matching porches, and the other old Victorians and trees and swings.
It was called Come On Inn, and was a three story building with white slats and a roof with green shingles. They had a small garden mostly filled with tomato plants and gardenias and a large sign planted front and center.
It was cold and wet and it was late at night. I had stormed out of the house at dinner after some blowout with my sister. What it was about, I can't remember now.
My stomach growled and complained. I couldn't go back now until everyone was asleep, meaning about another hour.
So right about then it seemed like a good place to be, that inn. The front lights were on and the smell of something baking wafted through the open windows and towards me, where I lingered near the hood of my car.
Nervously, and wondering if anyone was still awake, I walked up to the door and knocked, stepping back as soon as my hand touched the door.
There was a steady thump-thump-thump as someone walked over to get the door. It swung open, revealing a middle aged woman with straight gray-blonde hair. Her apron had happy pigs on it and she was smiling wide.
"Why don't you come on in, sweetheart?"

The woman's name was Marianne. She used to own a bakery, but she sold it after her parents left her the inn in their will. She'd been running it ever since.
"Sounds like a good life." I remarked, sipping my coffee.
Marianne smiled. "I wouldn't want to live any other life. So yes, I think that does make it a good one."
I nodded, contemplating this. "You didn't say anything about a husband. Or children."
She laughed. "Oh, Danny. I don't need a husband or children to live the life I love. I have my inn, and my customers, and my cats. And a niece. That's all I really want in life."
"You have such a way with people. I'm suprised you wouldn't have one of those huge families with twenty kids."
"Me? Have a way with people?"
"Marianne, please. I've been sitting here for half an hour and already it's like I've known you all my life."
Marianne shook her head over her slice of pie. "All I did was ask you to come in and share my pie. Then I asked you sbout your family. You told me. You asked me about mine. We laughed. We shared jokes. Just basic human interaction."
I ate my pie for a minute, not talking. Slowly, I said, "If more people were like you, Marianne, then I think this worold would be a better place."
"I'm flattered. Now, sonny, you better get home before your parents get worried." her voice went stern and motherly, so I had to comply.
As I was leaving, she asked me, "Danny, you'll come back, won't you?"
I promised, and came back the next day. And then the next.
There was something about Marianne you couldn't help but love.

Author's Note
I hope you like it. It's a little boring right now, but it gets better! I promise!
Sand, Sea, and Summer
Chapter Seven
"Can you believe it?" Rachel squeeled, her eyes wide and her nails clinging to my arm.
I shook my head, just as speechless.
"Could do better." Darren said, smirking. Rachel smacked his arm, and he fell silent, laughing at the pair of us.
"Chop, chop!" Piper called out from behind us, ushering us into the magnificent hotel we'd been gawking at.
Inside was just as grand as the outside. There were chandeliers and bell hops in crisp uniforms and antiques on every surface. The voice in the back of my head was nagging me to not look like a complete idiot, but pretty much if I opened my mouth in this place I would sound unrefined. Wow.
Rachel finally let go of my arm to wander over to some antique 19th century watercolors, so in her place came Darren, sliding an arm around me.
"You're unimpressed." I remarked.
He shrugged. "My dad drags us to places like this for 'vacations.' There's pretty much no breathing on anything valuable, which is everything. And there's no fun allowed on any level. Which means old people love it."
"If I lived your life, staying at places like this, I wouldn't be complaining."
"Oh, you would. You will."
I smiled at that. "Will. I like that."
He pecked my cheek. "I knew you would."
Piper was still talking to the clerk and Rachel was wandering, so for the first time in hours, it was just me and him.
"I need to tell you something." I mustered, looking at him. He just squeezed my hand.
"Go ahead."
"It's just, I really like you. And we have a lot of good times together. But there's something you aren't telling me between you and Rex."
I bit my lip. I knew whatever happened couldn't have been good, and, well, nobody liked talking about their past. Especially me.
"Melissa. Please. I told you everything you needed to know." He smiled easily, like nothing was wrong. I could almost believe him.
"But Rex said-"
"Don't listen to Rex! He's desperate for attention and will say anything to get it!" Darren half shouted, half snarled.
I recoiled instinctively. "D-Darren? What?"
He sighed heavily, rubbing his temple. "Sorry, sorry. It's just, I don't want to talk about it. Ok? And I don't want you talking with him behind my back. About this. Only this. You have things you would rather not share, right?"
If only he knew. "Of course."

Sorry for the boring chapters recently, but I promise, there'll be lots of drama!
Fly Away With Me
The day of the funeral I could barely pull myself out of bed.
I was past the point of crying, past the point of no return.
My mother tapped quietly on my door, pushing it open, her face concerned.
"Twenty minutes." she mouthed, pressing her index finger against her wrist, like she was checking her watch.
I nodded slowly. She closed the door.
Lythargicly, I pulled every limb from under my blanket, finding my suit pieces and pulling them on, one at a time, carefully.
But I still looked like I'd been through hell and back.
Well, I had.
At least that was accurate.
I wasn't really mentally stable enough to drive, so I clambered into the backseat of my parent's car, my father wat the wheel, his eyes grave. My mother beside him was twitchy. We all had different ways to deal with our grief. My mother, my father, me. And I could see our grief reflected in every single face at the funeral. Every single family member, friend, acquintance had the same expression. But no one's grief could compare to mine.
It was held at a small white church inside our home town of Ridgely, Massachusetts. The pastor, a kind, round man, introduced me by simply saying, "Daniel Horton would like to say a few words. Please hold any of your own comments until the end. Thank you."
And I stepped onto the platform.
My palms were shaking.
Slowly, I turned to face the crowd.
"You all knew her. You all loved her. She was the light of our life. Especially mine. I loved her like nothing else. And as her final request, I need to tell you her story."

Author's Note
This is my new story; and yes, I am still continueing my old one as well. Great inspiration struck me while I was in my shower, and I had to share it. Any feedback is welcome!

Sand, Sea, and Summer
Chapter Six
The next morning, Saturday, I avoided all contact with the outside world and instead sat on my couch in sweats and a tee-shirt, waffles in hand and tuned into MTV. My phone buzzed about every two seconds between Rex, Rachel, and Darren; mostly Rachel and Darren wondering why I'd dropped off the face of the Earth exactly, and Rex trying to apologize or whatever. Fun.
I sank down lower in the couch cushions and tried to think.
But I really didn't want to.
Darren couldn't really be some coniving jerk, right?
Finally, when the buzzing became too much, I reached for my phone. I flipped it open, examining the twelve new messages.
I opened my agents message, wondering why she would be texting me. By my parents orders, I was on break, at least until mid-July. I mostly did local commercials, modeling sweaters in the fall and sleds in the winter, and I really didn't think anyone would miss me.
Melly, the message started. I'd tried to explain countless times to Piper that she didn't need to write he texts in letter format like the olden times, but it went right over her head. I know your on break, but I have a huuuge suprise for you. Free to meet for lunch? xxoo Piper.
Sadly, the tempt was irresistable. I pulled myself up to take a shower.

Piper only chose the chic places. She was from L.A. and was slumming it in our New York suburb trying to find the next big thing. So she would settle for nothing less than refined.
"Melly! Darling!" She waved me down as soon as I walked through the door, her long red nails glinting. She kissed me on both cheeks and pulled out my chair anxiously.
"Great to see you Piper." I said, relatively less enthusiastic.
"Look, I know your on vacation - oh, miss? Some white wine please? Thanks." She turned from the flustered waitress back to me, folidng her hands on the table in front of her.
"Go on." I prompted.
"But, in New York City this weekend there's going to be a huge banquet dinner for the big names in advertising. I showed some of them your commercial, and they'd like to meet you."
To say I was speechless was to put it midly. My mouth hung open, resembling a goldfish, and I might've made some unattractive grunting noises.
"M-Me?" I managed.
Piper nodded. "Aren't you so excited!? You're going to be a star!" Clapping her hands, she added, "You can bring two guests a long, not counting your lovely parents."
I nodded, smiling. "Thanks Piper."
This was it; my big break. And no matter what Rex said, Darren would be right there by my side.
Sand, Sea, and Summer
Chapter Five
Darren's kiss was sweet and his lips were soft. I found myself smiling as we pulled away. That only made Courtney snort and storm away. I could help but thing that I had won this round.
By now, the rest of the gang had arrived and were already on the dance floor. I wanted to join them, but now knowing about Darren and Rex, I hesitated.
"Want to dance?" I asked him finally, taking his hand in mine. He shrugged. "Ok."
The song was slow, and couples were already swaying to the beat.
He slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. I giggled, and in return put my arms around his neck. "I love this." I told him.
"I know." He grinned. I grinned back.
I let my head rest on his chest and listened to the music, content.
Slowly, the music faded and I pulled away from Darren, just in time to see Rex dash away, towards the drinks. He looked fidgety and worried, unlike him. I looked from his face to Darren.
"Be back in a minute." I told him, kissing him on the cheek.

"What is that? What is going on?" I shrieked at Rex. He was holding his cup, but he hadn't taken a drink from it. He just stared into its depths like it held all of his answers.
Rex briefly looked at me. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, what is this with you and my boyfriend?"
He sighed. "You noticed, huh?" I just glared. "Darren and I were never on the best of terms."
This answer would not satisfy me and Rex knew that. Before he and Rachel fell head over heels for each other, we had been friends. I had been the one to introduce them, in fact.
"I think if we're going to remain friends and I'm going to keep dating Darren, I have a right to know what happened between the two of you. And why I haven't heard any of this before."
Rex snorted. "If you want to keep dating Darren, then I'd suggest not knowing."
"He's a nice guy, Rex."
"He's a liar, Melissa."
"I don't believe that." I couldn't believe that. Not after Darren had listened to me over Courtney, I couldn't betray him for Rex. "He treats me right. He likes me. He even likes me better than Rachel, which is more than most guys will give me."

Rex looked sad. "Is that what you think Mel?"
I just shook my head, slowly. He didn't know a thing. "It isn't what I think. It's what I know."
Drama, right? I hope you guys like it so far! :) Much more to come!
Sand, Sea, and Summer
Chapter Four
There was going to be a party on the beach Friday.
My two favorite things, mixed together. I wouldn't miss it, even if Darren hadn't asked me to be his date. We met at Rachel, my friends complaining about my date. I tried to act modest, but hey, I would be jealous of me too. Finally my life was going as planned.
Darren picked me up at Rachel's. "Hey babe." he said when he saw me. "Looking beautiful, as always."
I smiled at him. Tonight I wore my white capris and blue and white striped tank top. It showed off my new tan and I loved it.
"Thanks. I'm glad you think so."
We got in his car, waving goodbye to my friends, as Rex pulled up. Rex was smiling, but as he looked, he spotted Darren. And he scowled.
"Darren?" I asked, tentative.
"Do you know Rex somehow? Why are you too ... acting like that?"
Darren just smiled sadly. "I used to know him a while back. We were buds. But then we got into a fight, and we haven't spoken since." He shrugged. "No big deal."
This should have made me relax, but it didn't. I couldn't imagine any one hating Rex, or Rex hating anybody. He was the sweetest guy I knew, with thick rimmed glasses and a dimpled smile.
I knew something fishy was going on. I just needed to figure out what.

The party was in full swing when we arrived. Darren pulled into a parking space, then opened my door for me. I happily noted that the girls from school were gawking at me. Or at me being with Darren.
"I'm going to get a drink. Want anything?" he asked over the steady thump of the music. I shook my head. "Back in a minute."
I was waving goodbye when someone bumped into my arm, spilling punch down it. I gasped as the ice hit my skin, and turned to face them.
Courtney Banks had her cold black eyes trained on my face, and her expression was one like she had just smelled garbage. "Well, look who it is." she snarled.
"Courtney." I said through my teeth.
"The girl who thinks she's suddenly stunning because she was on TV. Well, newflash sweetie, you're still a sl*t."
Her words stung, but that only made me madder. "You -"
"Melissa? Babe? What's going on?" Courtney's eyes grew wide as Darren slipped his arm around my shoulder.
Courtney, however, was unimpressed, - or acted like it. "You're 'babe' is the trashiest girl in the school. She'll sleep with anybody."
"I-" I started to protest, to clear my name, but Darren interupted me. "I don't believe it." he stated.
Courtney smirked. "Prove it."
This was it, this was the end, I thought. He wouldn't want me. But instead of walking away, Darren cupped my face in his hands. And he kissed me.

Yayyy for next chapter! Feedback wanted! ;)
Sand, Sea, and Summer
Chapter Two
My first instinct was to jump out of my skin. Legit.
Instead, however, I made myself turn around, slowly, all buissness. Which was when I first laid eyes on the speaker, a cute guy. A very, very cute guy.
"Um, yes, yes I am." I said, raising an eyebrow over the rim of my sunglasses. I reached up to smooth down my hair in its ponytail, wondering how he recognized me. I was wearing barely any makeup, and I had just thrown on a pair of cut off shorts and a tank top that morning. Not even close to the girl I could be when I tried.
The guy smile dand nodded. "I thought I recognized you."
"I get that alot." I admitted, flashing my straight teeth at him.
"Do you?" He looked a little crestfallen.
"Mostly from middle aged guys, little kids, and grandmothers though. So they don't really count." He laughed again, and pushed his caramel brown hair away from his dark blue eyes. God, he was stunning.
"I'm Darren, by the way." he said finally, holding a hand. I shook it.
"Nice to meet you Melissa."
"You too Darren."

I heard someone calling from farther down the beach, waving in our direction. Olive and Kendal, who had already set up camp. "I better get over their." I said, half to myself.
"Your friends?" I nodded. "Your boyfriend over there too?"

I smirked at that. "I don't have one."
Darren looked suprised. "A beautiful girl like you? No way."
"Yes way." I teased.
Darren took out a sharpie from his back pocket, clicking the cap off and gesturing for my arm. I stuck it out at him, giggling as he printed neatly on the skin.
"There's my number. We should go out some time." He proclaimed when he was done. Was I dreaming? This guy wanted to date me?
Instead, I nodded and acted like I got this all the time. "Definitely."

As I waved goodbye, heading back to my friends, I studied the number. The digits were short and rushed, with a little swoop at the end of the three. I slowly traced my hand over them, memorizing them before I even realized it.

I'm glad you guys liked the chapter so much! :) Any feedback and suggestions are welcome!
Sand, Sea, and Summer
Chapter One
The perfect summer day.
It was sunny, but not so much as to be sweltering. A beach day. I could sense it even before my phone rang.
"Rayray!" I shrieked into the mouthpiece, not even bothering with a greeting. "Beach?"
Rachel laughed. " 'Course Mel. Be down at your place in twenty minutes with the gang and my car."
"See you then."
"See you."
I sighed with contentment, throwing my phone on the bed and imagining it; all of us, on the beach, enjoying the first day of our summer vacation. I could already small the salty tang of the sea.
Rachel lived on the neighboring street, and even though she was picking everyone else up, it still wouldn't take her that long. I knew Rachel most out of everyone, and I knew that she didn't believe in the breaks.
"Mom?" I was halfway to the door before I called her name.
She poked her head out of the kitchen. "Yes?"
"Rachel's picking me up. We're going to the beach."
She snorted. I, in return, rolled my eyes. "With who?" she asked, her voice borderline strict. I swear to god one day she'll become a dictator, with her control obsession.
"The usual gang." I supplied.
I tried to maintain my cool attitude. "Me, obviously, and Rachel. Rachel's boyfriend, Rex. And then Olive, Kendal, and Bryn. Is that all?"
"Melissa Penelope Cormick!" I had started to dart off - Rachel was probably waiting by now - but her voice stopped me. I expected her to give some advice on staying out of the sun or something, buy instead she only said, "Have a nice time!"
My face broke out into a grin. "Thanks!"

"I just called you, like half an hour ago. What takes that freakin' long?" Rachel whined as I squeezed into her backseat with the three other girls. Rex winked at me from the passanger seat.
"Parental issues." I told her with a grimace. "Let's not waste any more time, kay?"
Olive nodded in agreement. "The faster I get my personal space back, the better."
"You're telling me."
Kendal's scowling face emerged from the window she was squashed against, her bitterness evident from the look on her face. "Drive!"
It was just past 9 o' clock when we arrived. Rachel lifted her tailgate and instructed us on what to unpack from her car as she and Rex went to pay for parking.
I had just turned to grab the towels when a voice behind me asked, "Are you the girl from the commercial?"

Feedback? Comments? Rants on how terrible my writing is? I promise, it gets better! Comment for a notification!
Sand, Sea, and Summer
"Aaannnndd, action!"
At the que, I formed my face into a winning smile and stationed a hand on my jutting hip. My strawberry blonde hair was perfectly curled, my makeup done, and I was wearing one of those perfectly hideous cover ups that no one actually wore at the beach - or for that matter, bought in general.
"What's your favorite time of year? Trick question! It's summer!"
My voice was high and giggly, and the director motioned for me to keep it going with a thumbs up.
"What's not to like about summer?"
Now, he frantically motioned for me to walk towards the camera. Thinking quick, a skipped in a zigzag path through the sand dunes, picking up a shell and showing it to the camera and my audience.
"There's the sand, the seas, the shells, the beach, the fireworks, the late night barbeques!"
I droped my shell of screen, leaning in to the camera and smiling, showing off my perfectly white straight teeth, from my braces I had gotten off the week before, completing the "model" image I had strived for.
"And where can you get all that? Here at Whitcomb Beach, Route 11 near Alvesbury. Come enjoy the summer with me!"
Smiling, keep smiling, cut.
The director hopped off his chair, obviously pleased. "That was great! We should have the commercial all edited by next week."
I grinned. "Great."
He patted me on the shoulder. "Now why don't you go enjoy this sand, sea, and summer you've been talking about?"

What do ou think? Do you want more? Any feedback is appreciated, thanks! :)