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Joined: July 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
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Location: Not Tellin Ya
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LooleyBoo αвσut mÑ� quσtÑ�s:
My quotes are alll original unless they say their source, yeah?
Plz comment, or vote... or whevs....


Uh huh.... I WENT THERE.
αвσut mÑ�:
Hi people, I'm a wittian - obv!
Yeah, I'm an idiot, I'm strange, I'm crazy, to be honest I think I'm mental.... .

thedeathlyhallows4 (Youtube)
titaniumlol (Stardoll, Moviestarplanet)

Quotes by LooleyBoo

I was browsing TV channels.
I came across a channel.

All the shows were Power Rangers.

SPD, Dino Thunder & Wild Force were on.

I watched that channel for an entire day.

On a night out...

T r y  n o t  t o  g e t  k n o c k e d

d o w n - y o u  m i g h t  n o t  g e t  

b a c k  u p .  b u t y o u c a n h o l

d m e i f y o u n e e d t o .

A l s o  t r y  t o  a v o i d . . .

g e t t i n g k n o c k e d up

c o s  i ' m  n o t g o i n g  t o  b e

h o l d i n g  y o u r  h a n d . . .

In the labour suite.
Hugs are the best medicine in the world.

hint, hint.

Before the shower

Mom: Get in the shower, I need to go in as well but I have to wait for the water to heat up!
Me: Two more minutes!

After the shower

Mom: Get out the shower, I need to go in as well but I have to wait for the water to heat up!
Me: Hang on, five more minutes...


If you've had a childhood, and if you have the ability to read, you'll know what they are... O.o
Me: Yo!
Friend: Kon'nichiwa!
Me: Stop with the japanese! or i'll do something to you!
Friend: Sorry.
Me: wuu2?
Friend: learning japanese.
Me: why?
Friend: to annoy you.
Me: -.-
Me: what did i ever do to you?
Friend: where would you like me to start?

*the next day*

Me: Tap da marnin!
Friend: hi
Me: I'm a leprecarrn
Friend: stop with the Irish accent! its annoying
Me: soz
Me: practicing my Irish accent
Friend: why?
Me: to annoy you
Friend: what did i ever do to you?
Me: dude, you learnt japanese.
Narwhals are the Obi Wan Kenobi of the sea.
*Me & my friend over MSN*

friend: Watashiwa Jessiedesu! Watashiwa anime daisuki!
me: no.
friend: ?
me: i'm saying no to whatever you just said. and i dont care whether it wasn't a question.

Why do people feel the need to speak Japanese over MSN? When they're british?
What happened when we were about to go home from a friend's house:

Friend 2: Nice ringtone
Friend 1: Thanks. *picks up the phone* Hello?
Friend 1's dad: Hi ________, can you hurry home because your tea's burnt
Friend 1: Yeah, I'm about to leave. Bye!
Friend 1's dad: Bye
Me: What did he want?
Friend 1: He said my tea's burnt
Friend 3: What is it for your tea?
Friend 1: Spaghetti Bolognese. How can you burn spag bol?

Messed Up
Razina Elle Jaxon 


I sit in the wings, quivering. 
I get the irony.
I'm an archer & I have a quiver, yadda yadda yadda.
I clutch my bow to my chest so hard my knuckles, with the already tight skin whitening and almost splitting.
The loudspeaker booms.
"Well, that was a brilliant round for Betty Lyons," Dominic Richmond-Hall yells. "With six set points and a whopping 87, Betty is in line to join the Olympic archery team."
Betty is ushered in and I smile at her nervously.
"Now is the penultimate competitor is a fourteen-year-old hopeful who has been doing archery for a mere two years, but has stormed her way through competition after competition. Razina Elle Jaxon has dropped out of school so she could hone her skills, hunts for fresh meat every single day, looks after her family and shoots night and day! Let's see what this rumoured superstar has to offer! Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, let's have a big hand for RAZINA ELLE JAXON!!!!" he bellows.

Tell me what you think and I'll see whether I will write the first chapter - 20 faves = next chapter. I'm not going to be as brilliant a writer as xXHelloLovelyXx but still, I'd like a try...

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