
Joined: December 7, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 59752
I'm ThE kInD oF gIrL...

~who was to be told something a million times just to remember it.
~who will laugh so hard that she cries.
~whose face gets bright red when embarrassed.
~who gets all shy around new people, but is completely insane around people she knows.
~who will cry at a movie/book that she has watched/read a thousand times.
~who will trip over her own two feet.
~who die playing sports.
~who dances in the rain.
~who likes to gaze at the stars.
~who likes to watch rain/snow fall.
~who will wait by the phone for days, trusting that you'll call.
~who will fall asleep reading her favorite book.
~who will saw "Ow" when poked.
~who will gasp was loudly as humanly possible and have a heartattack when surprised.
~who will say she is okay, even though she isn't, just to make sure you don't have to worry.
~who loves giving ( h u g s ) to everyone.
~who uses sarcasm and metaphors constantly.
~who sometimes cries herself to sleep.
~who loves giving advice and helping people when she can.
~who will do whatever it takes to spend time with the people she loves.

Quotes by MidnightRain137

The silence screams the truth and the screaming is louder than ever. And boy, I'm going deaf.

(C) Credit to me,
I'm giving my heart time to think, and that's exactly what it needs.

(C) Credit to me, MidnightRain137
This can only end in two ways, one will be great, the other will be unbearable. But wounds heal and now this one wound won't be constantly cut.

(C) Credit to me, MidnightRain137

For once, my heart isn't the only one confused. My brain for once doesn't know what to think.

(C) Credit to me, MidnightRain137

Boy, go plant some trees. I've wasted too many tissues crying over you. Give something back.

(C) Credit to me, MidnightRain137
 I thought the path that we were walking along together was a lot longer, just like you said it was supposed to be.

(C) Credit to me, MidnightRain137
I'm tired of holding on. I'm going to let go. Let go of everything bad. Let go of the pain,  the trouble, the drama, the tears. Letting go is for the best.

(C) Credit to me, MidnightRain13
  #9 Don'tYouHateItWhen:
You have too much time on your hands and don't know what to do with it all.
I can't stop thinking about you....... seriously I have things to do!

Not mine.
#8 Don'tYouHateItWhen:
You have already broken your New Years Resolution: Have a great year