
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 287821

LED Text Scroller

About Moi

I'm an average teenage girl who knows how to have FUN!! Some basics:
- I'm British (I don't drink tea with the Queen if you were wondering
- I'm Muslim
- I'm not obssessed with the popular topics on Witty ie: 1D, The Hunger Games Ect.
I know my profile is a bit C*** at the moment but hopefully soon it'll be better. Bye Bye xx.

Types of Quotes I'll be adding:
~That "something" moment when..
~Surveys and Quizzes

~Hopefully a series
~Hopefully a story


 Myspace Generators &
Myspace Countdown Clock

Misha's Favorite Quotes



That awkward moment when
Bruno Mars can't catch a grenade for you because he's having a lazy day.

My parens fight so much! you have no idea. :(
Oh yeah. I have no idea because my parents got a divorce. Because they don't love eachother. Because they don't agree on anything. Because they can barley talk on the phone without fighting. But to you I am lucky because my parents 'don't fight'. They f/cking invited fighting. Damnitt, your parents could stop fighting and get back to the way it was. I DON'T THINK MY PARENTS CAN GET BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS AFTER 10 FRWAKING YEARS.


Sorry. This just annoys me. Everything in green is true, btw. Mine.

Forever Alone

Play Hide 'n' Seek. Never get found.

So many girls 
Truth is,
They all are.

This quote does not exist.

There, they're, and their.  Get it right your in college.
 F a v   i f   y o u   g e t   i t  

Why aren't you answering?

Sorry, I dropped my phone and I can't find it. I'll text you when I find it.


Did you find it yet?

Okay, let me know when you do.





Being a virgin in this day and age is something to be proud of.

 Y o u ' r e   l i k e   a   u n i c o r n .


format by jimmy365

Those scenarios you make up;

in your head when you start to like someone.