Mjcmjcx18's Favorite Quotes

whe i was young,
I  T H O U G H T   T H A T   M Y  H E A R T   W A S  

A C T U A L L Y   H E A R T   S H A P E D

[ ] [ ] [

It is not -
"i luv u"
"i luv you"
"i love u"
It's "I Love You"



Maybe your first love,

is the one that sticks with you,
Because it's the only person who will ever receive all of you.
After that, you learn better. But, most of all, no matter what
A piece of you forever remains behind in the heart of the
one you loved - a piece no future lover could ever get, no
matter what. That peice holds innocence, the belief that
love really can last forever. It holds friendship and pain,
trial and error, that one kiss you'll never forget, and that
night under the stars you can never get back. It holds
youth and everything you thought love would be, every
thing that was proven w r o n g.

98% of kids

drink or smoke

before 18.

Fave if you like bagels

This quote does not exist.


Y O U  '  V E   T R I E D   T O   B A L A N C E   T H E   L I G H T  
S W I T C H   B E T W E E N   O N   & &   O F F

If only boys knew

half the stuff they put us through.


we used to talk for hours.
i m i s s t h a t
now we can't even hold a conversation for 5 minutes.
i m i s s y o u.

4 words I never want to hear 

• I don't love you
You're diagnosed with Cancer  
  I found someone else
  It was never real
  We need to talk
  You're going to die
Your ______ is dead
You can't have kids  
  I don't remember you
I've never loved you


They are called
"inside jokes" 
              - - - - - - >             for a reason.
//If you werent there\\
s c r e w   y o u .

credit to whoever.