
Joined: July 29, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 201216
Location: Iowa
Gender: F

Morgan98's Favorite Quotes

Teacher: "Can you please tell the class why you're so late?"
Me: Someone told me to go to hell
Me: Couldn't find it at first
Me: But now I'm here


Autocorrect changed my year of birth from '1996' to '996'.
Thank you Microsoft Word, I'm apparently 1017 years old. XD

sleepy is such a cute word because it reminds me of sleepy people and sleepy people are cute with their sleepy eyes and their yawning and rubbing their sleepy eyes and curling up in bed and snuggling under blankets

you darn kids with your falling boys and your panicked discos and your romantic chemicals

"boy i’m in a great mood!"

"oh, please. you can’t REALLY be in a great mood. there are people out there who just got raises. people just got married. people are being reunited with their families right now. how dare you say you’re happy."


cockiness is so attractive to me in a way and it’s so irritating. like it’s annoying. and it annoys me. but the kind of expression and body language that comes with it. the self-satisfied attitude. the smug comments. the eye rolling. the smirking. “come and get me” hand gestures during a fight. eyebrow raising with an air of superiority. it’s just like. f×ck you. i’m annoyed right now. i am so annoyed right now. but oh my f×ck i am also so very, very attracted right now


do you ever just wear headphones so people won't talk to you

*angles laptop away from whoever sits next to me*

one time in high school i didnt read the assigned book and i was like f×ck it imma write this essay anyway and i had no idea what the book was even about or who the characters were so i just spewed out some sh×t about archetypes and the teacher came up to me after class and told me i was the only student who truly understood the book

Whoops, my ten minute study break from September turned into a whole year. XD