
Joined: February 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 153237

If  you  would
like  your  co-
nefession   to
be  posted  a-
nonomously ,
be sure to tel-
l me that in th-
e e-mail! or i c-
an post your wi-
tty username if y-
ou want!♥

Hi Witty! 
This account was made for those
of  you who have a secret or co-
nession you want to let out. Th-
e best part is, if you don't want-
anyone to know who you are, I-
will most definetly post it anony-
mously! Just mention it when y-
ous send it to my e-mail!Send all
your confessions/secrets to:::::::

**you can also post a comment if you don't 
want to e-mail me,&if you
want it anonmyous i will delete the
comment after i post the confession up!

Quotes by MyConfession


Confession #11

I have ASD. I wish I was normal. I often

cry about it because I have no friends.&no boy

is ever going to want to be with me...


Confession #10

I still like my ex, but I won't

admit it to anyone.


Confession #8

Throwing up what I eat makes 

me feel better about myself.


Confession #7

 I want to date a transgenered person

because I like all the drama&controversy.


Confession #5

I love you, KK.Me &you would

make the perfect couple.

Please take me back...



Confession #4

Everyday I exercise for 2 hours.

Then I eat everything in the house,

&Then I cry about it.



Confession #3

No one knows the real me.»

They would be afraid...