
Status: Instagram: xxnazxx31
Joined: February 17, 2013
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 350493
Location: English.
Gender: F

Instagram- xxnazxx31

XXnazXX31*'s Favorite Quotes

“Have you tried just eating a ton of

- me as a therapist

Sorry, I lost your number when I hit 

Ferguson shoe store robbed. work boot isle untouched.
Me: I left a blow-job at your place yesterday. Can I come over and get it?

Her: *speechless*
We're flawed. Because we want so much. We're ruined.

Because we get it.

Do you think soda cans are alive and each time you take one out of the pack and open it, you're really snapping its neck and drinking its blood infront of its family?
BI@ck people are like, "you don't know my struggle" and I'm just over here like, "imagine being white and having to explain bad credit".

R@CISM,, I don't get it?
anybody else just lay in bed making mental movies of perfect scenario's in life?
This quote does not exist.


  Me:then f.cking act like it