
Joined: June 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 180314
Hello, my names Jodie.
I live in Ireland.
My favorite bands are:Paramore and Florence and the Machine.
My favorite books are:Cathy Cassidy,Harry Potter,Narnia,Percy Jackson and Lord of the Rings.
My favorite things are :Cookie dough,music,ice - cream,rain,snow,reading,drawing,astorogly,hot chocolate,sweets and mustaches.
Bye!Stay beautiful ;)
(heres a picture of a mustache.)

Quotes by Ninjagirl




I can't decide...

If you see cupid... give the little punk a slap from me will ya

Format by Sandrasaurus

Image 1 of 19

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light
-Albus Dumbledore

Format by Sandrasaurus

Don't say you'd rather die if you don't mean it,my cousin is a zombie and he keeps eating brains and running into walls,it's not very cool

 People who say sunshine brings happiness,has never danced in the


1. Go to Google

2. Type: the 50 most popular woman

3. Click on the first link

4. Scroll down and check the 7th most popular women

5. Now your laughing


Is always there to welcome you home

A friend vist you in jail
A good friend bails you out of jail 
But,a Best Friend is the one sitting next to one saying 
"That was freakin awesome!"
School of Rock Quotes #5

"But,they ruined that too with a little tjing called MTV!!!"
[Jack Black]