
Joined: September 3, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 13536

Quotes by NoTpErFeCt4U

Im not [p][e][r][f][e][c][t] . . . deal with it
LoVe is PaIN and PaiN is LoVe
Lil' Flip
Love is Pain and Pain is Love
LiL fLiP
A pErSoN wHo AsKs a QuEsTiOn iS A fOoL fOr FiVe MiNuTeS; a PeRsOn WhO dOeSn'T iS a fOoL fOrEvEr.
srry i dont get that but its not mine so take it
A MiLLiOn WoRdS wOuLd NoT bRiNg YoU bAcK; I kNoW bEcAuSe I'vE tRiEd. nEiThEr wOuLd A MiLLiOn tEaRs; I kNoW bEcAuSe i'Ve cRiEd.
not mine so take it
RaN uP ThE dOoR, cLoSeD ThE sTaIrs, SaId mY pAjAmAs aNd PuT On My pRaYeRs, tUrNeD oFf My bEd AnD HoPpEd InTo tHe LiGhT, aLL bEcAuSe YoU KiSsEd Me gOoDnIgHt!
not mine so take it
LoViNg YoU iS LiKe BrEaThInG; HoW cAn i StOp?
not mine so take it
DoN't CrY bEcAuSe It'S oVeR; sMiLe BeCaUsE iT hApPeNeD.
A friend's eye is a good mirrior
A friends eye is a good mirrior
not mine take it