
Joined: November 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 136858



Hi.. Name's Olivia;)♥
I love Justin Bieber, Some people hate him, but I am a HUGE Belieber:') ahaaa!
Twitter me - oliviaabieberx
My dreams are:
1.To get Justin Bieber to follow me
2.To have over 100 followers on here
3.To get lots of faves on my quotes:)

Justin Bieber .


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Quotes by Oliviaxo

Fell for him..
Found out he also makes other girls fall for him.
Go onto Facebook,
Right click and select "Inspect element"
Click the furthest to the right which is "console"
Paste this..

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enjoy the harlem shake;)
Who has heard of 'Giovanna Plowman'.
She is a girl who put a video on facebook of her sucking a used tampon.
It is disgusting.
Now she is getting tons on hate for it..
but the thing is, even though bullying is completely wrong..
Sometimes you get bullied for your the things you do.
I'm not saying that they should be threatened to die or anything like that..
But girls like Givanna Plowman should of thought before she did it.
And now she is getting loads of hate for it.
And it is disgusting. Seriously.
Bullying is wrong, but sometime's its the victims fault.

There is that one person, who is perfect..
That person who you can't stop thinking about..
That person when you see you act like a fool around.. 
That person who you try to look your best for..
That person who probably doesn't notice you..
That person you are thinking about while reading this.
Mom: who are you texting?
Me: My friend...
Mom: Is it a boy?
Me: No, mom.
Mom: I can tell when you're lieing.
Me: I'm not lieing, I'm honestly texting my friend, who is not a boy.
Mom: Watch your attitude!
Me: Fml.

Am I the only one that isn't going to affected by the hurricane?
Shop Assistant: that'll be $20 please
My friend(as a joke): oh,I only have 19.99..
Shop assistant: Ohh, It doesn't matter just give me that then!
My friend: *Gives $20 bill*
Shop asstistant: *Gives one cent*
Me:Wtf just happend..

True story.

If I get called ugly,

I go home and put tons of make-up on, hoping it will help..

If I get called fat,

I miss the bus on purpose & run home..

If I get called stupid,
I look through all my class books all night..

If I get called a b/tch,

I think about all the things I have done wrong, and say sorry..

Even if you're joking.. 

I still take it seriously..

But I a girl.. a teenage girl.

Me: *Add's new quote*
Me: This is going to be so popular!
Witty: 54 Comments 4530 Favourites
Reality: 0 Comments 1 Favourite

Here's to the girls

that joined witty, BEFORE One Direction took over.

