Joined: February 24, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 3326
i love patrick star!!!

Quotes by OoSuMaLoViNoO

Witty profile ppls why won't you let me submit anything???
Whats qrong with the world Mama?
Ppl living like they ain't got no mama
i think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
only attracted to things that will bring the drama
oversea ya we tryin to stop terroism
but we still got terroist here livin
in the USA the big CIA the Bloods and the Krypts and the KKK
but if you only have love for your own race then you only leave space to discrimante and to discriminate only generates hate and with hate you bound to get orate
ya madness is what you demenstrate and thats exactly how angle works and operates
man you gott have love to set it straight
take control of you mind and mediate
let your soul gravitate to the love ya'll

??Where is the Love??
**(To all of the troops in Iraq and all of the other places we r God bless you)**
K   K      *     EEEEE       *     L         *        L        *   Y    Y
K  K             E                 L                  L             Y  Y
K K              E                 L                  L              Y Y  
KK               EEEEE             L                  L               Y
K K              E                 L                  L               Y 
K  K             E                 L                  L               Y 
K   K            EEEEE             LLLLLLL            LLLLLL          Y 

i know it's messed up but i was bored.
Friends are like photographs,
put them in the best light!
BaD FrIeNdShiPs ArE lIkE mOnEy-
EaSy To MaKe BuT hArD tO kEeP!