
Joined: August 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121691

Peytonie's Favorite Quotes

This isn't Twitter.


I bet the YMCA dance is a lot harder in Chinese.

that awkward moment: when you look inside your pocket,
anit's not full of  sunshine.

I really want to meet Cat's brother on Victorious.
Mom: You should hang out with your friends more often  
Mom: But I can't drop you off.
Mom: And they can't come here
Mom: And you can't walk, that's dangerous
Me: Do you expect me to teleport there?

me: *Forgets to text everyone back*


You wanna hear a number joke?
Nevermind, I four-get.


Mom: What do you want for dinner tonight?
Me: *Tells her what I want for dinner*
Mom: No, I'm going to make this instead
Me: Then why did you ask me what I wanted?!

*True Story*


Wiity: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.
Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.
Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.

Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.
Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.

Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.

Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.
Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.

Witty: There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.
Witty :There was an error adding your comment. Slow down my friend.

Me: No.
*hits add comment 4786754867 more times*

*comment finally goes through*