
Joined: January 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 262294

Hi there! Names Jillian, 14 ; Freshie
Unicorns, One Direction, Pretty Little Liars, rkrissie18,  Him<3, dance,baking. Good for advice.
I love you all <3


Quotes by PrincessWildflower

I can't do this anymore.
I have no reason to do anything anymore.

wanting to go to the beach but being to uncomfrotable in your own skin.

You all are Beautiful.
It honestly doesnt matter what you see in the mirror, all the people who are worth it will look through that and see the beautiful person you are inside. Stop worring about what 'he' thinks of you, and start liking yourself. Believe me when I say that words hurt and I want to make them go away, but truthfully I cant. No one can, but you. From everyones quotes on here, I can see you are all genuinly good people, but no matter how you run from you're problems, there always going to be there. Words hurt and they can literally kill you inside but I promise you, you can get through this. If anyone ever needs advice please message me, I am here no matter what.

. PS. I love you all.


    The missing you part doesnt hurt as

much as knowing,

I'm already forgotten

Summer Bucket List ☼
Have a paint fight


Wanting To : #1
Feel comfrotable in my own skin

Fav for a Series

Summer Bucket List ☼
Get the Perfect Tan


I'm on the edge of glory

► And I'm hangin' on a moment with you ◄


Hey there Girleys!

why get all dressed up for valentines day just to get a guy? wouldnt you want the guy to like you just the same in sweat pants? Thats the kind of guy that is definitly worth it, dont go chasing a guy who only wants you for a night, go for the guy who wants you for you.



Your taking my happiness away, just like you took my heart <3