
Joined: April 17, 2010
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 106370
Location: United States
Gender: F

Shayblah's Favorite Quotes

People always think:;
that if you love somebody hard enough everything will work out
People are wrong.


Format by XxprettixX

"I slept like a baby"
mean you slept three hours and cried until someone fed you?


Format by XxprettixX

RIP Alexander Gonzalez.
I know most people won't read this, but a boy in my town killed
himself! They found him hanging in his house. He was bullied
and abused by his father. Kids would tell him to go die.
& they got what they wanted.
Please witty girls, favorite for all his friends
and to say you're against bulllying.
I never met you, but I love you Alex!

That moment when 
you realize that
A  f r o g,


I wanna witty frenn :D
Comment or fave or Whateva if you wanna witty friend too 
(nudge nudge wink wink) :3

i want to be her boyfriend.
  i want to give her my sweatshirt when she's cold.
want to cuddle with her.
I just want her to notice me

Format by Sandrasaurus

If I were you I would stop asking

'whats wrong?' 

because if I did tell you

you might not look at me the same.

Favorite this quote and..
I'll write a boys name that sounds good with yours on your profile :)

im bored, ok?

When you're nonchalantly staring off into space..
&a sea lion bites your nose

this doesn't make sense...


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